Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rambling 18: Enough is Enough!

Yesterday I had coffee with a dear friend, S. She mentioned that her newly remodelled home was being cleaned as she relaxed with me. What a luxury to be able to return to a clean house. She would love to have her abode cleaned every week, but it made her feel guilty. After all she wasn't currently working so she had plenty of time to do housework.

I got to thinking about that. It seems to me that there ought to be a limit to the number of times one should have to clean a bathroom, mop a floor, dust a shelf, scrub a range. After you've reached your limit, say sometime between the ages of 55 - 62, you should leave it to the professional cleaners. It would get you off those arthritic knees and give you time to follow your passion. It would create economic growth by creating more jobs.

Yes, I think I'm on to something. Think about it. Like social security, we pay into it when we'are young and able, draw out when older opening the way for the next generation to take over. Now, if you love scrubbing tubs, you don't have to stop, but for those of us who have spent our quota of cleaning hours, it's time for a rest.

Imagine shiny mirrors, gleaming floors, sparkling fixtures and you didn't have to do it. A retirement fund arranged and paid for a professional cleaner. The icing on the cake - you are stimulating the economy, creating jobs. Oh, my!!!

Dream time over. I've procrastinated enough. I'm off to get my sponge and bucket. See you tomorrow.

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