Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January Morning

It's a good time to live in Central Texas. (Remind me I said this when I'm whining about our upteenth gadzillion hot day this summer.) Cool, but not cold, under a pale blue sky with a pale yellow sun rising. Gotta love it.

Do you all love colors as much as I do? My dream job would be as the color developer and namer for Crayola. This morning it would be a "washed blue" and a "lemon juice yellow." Wonder what tomorrow will be.

Inside I'm busy playing with fabric colors and prints. Here's a peek of what is on my cutting table. A bit of red, yellow and pink ready to be sewn.

And some hearts for Valentine's Day and beyond. Gonna make some headbands out of this as well as clothes.

Don't forget to join Annarella Girl on facebook. Like me or make a comment this week and you can win a heart headband. Don't have a little girl? Use it to commit an act of random kindness by giving to someone.

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