Friday, March 9, 2012


Georgetown Poppies by Gwen Green

I live in the heart of wildflower country. Thanks to Lady Bird Johnson in a good year we have gobs of bluebonnets, indian paints, black-eyed susans, and wild ground roses along our roads. It can be a riot of color. Last year we had barely any due to the drought. Hopefully due to our rains starting in January the wildflowers will return. We are having a few days of cool rain under constantly gray skies, but next week looks sunny and warm. Here's hoping the flowers will pop. Certainly I have a bumper crop of dandelions in my yard! And the Bradford Pear trees have done a good job of blooming. Fingers and toes crossed!!!!

Nothing lifts my spirits like wildflowers. There is something about the randomness of where they grow that fills my spirit. But it does take rain either in the fall or spring. As Butler gazes wistfully out the back door at another rainy morning, I explain that the wet stuff he doesn't like is necessary for nature's beauty. The trees are budding and will soon wear their veils of new green. Squirrels will be romping and celebrating the return of leaves. (Well, the mention of squirrels got his ears perked up!!!)

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Eagerly I await spring. What do you love most about spring? Is it like Butler, a return of the frisky squirrels? Or like me a chance to fill my senses with wildflowers?

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