Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back to Work

Happily I'm able to spend more time in my sewing room. I'm finishing up a sundress, size 2, which will be in "Little Loft" unless someone snatches it up first. As you can see in pic, I'm trying to decide between blue ribbon or black. I'm letting my mind percolate on the choices for a bit.

Next I have an order for 2 dresses for sisters in Boston area. Mom wants them to be similar but not the same. I enjoy this challenge - any excuse to play with color and fabric. Happy me!!

Finally I have another design challenge. I've been talking to someone who wants a Halloween dress for her daughter. Although I've always thought I was a colorful designer, this mom wants BOLD and BRIGHT. I'm not sure I can do this project justice in her eyes. So I'm deciding how much to compromise my style. Sounds like a dilemma on Project Runway. I'm channeling Michael Kors when he counsels contestants to not desert totally their aesthetics for the wants of their clients. Sometimes the designer does know best. It is a matter of having a dress go out into the world with my name on it. I have to be proud of what I produce. I am limited by my eye and passion.  In my heart I feel that another maker would make this customer happier than I can. Stay tuned for solution. I'm taking the time to make the best decision for both customer and me.

Rehab for husband continues. There are some frustrations. Doctor missing in action, so our questions are piling up. My sister tells me that I'm talking about food in every post, but I must mention it again. For 2 nights in a row I've been delivering meals, and 2 mornings in a row coffee. I'm beginning to think we might be better off at home. Is this a sign that he is getting better that we are complaining more?

Have a great day!! I'm off to start cutting out for the 2 girls in Boston.


JGG said...

I love the collage you make with your fabric - your dresses are a work of art.
Tell hubby I feel his pain. I had a knee replacment in April, back to work 8 weeks later, you live through it but wonder how!

ellie said...

Thanks, Judy!