Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Excuses, Excuses

I'm suppose to be writing daily, but I've missed a couple. When last heard from I was getting ready to have my second eye operated on; this time I'm a little slower getting back to computer. All is fine. Not the miraculous result as before, but with slower improvements expected. For some reason not known to medical science, doc says every eye is different and responds differently. No surprise to anyone who has been pregnant. None are ever the same. The body is complex and has a mind of its own. Okay, so that is so non-scientific, but it is true. Life is full of mysteries, and the human body continues to be one.

Secondly, I mentioned that I was all caught up with work. And I was, until Monday. Happily I got some special orders. I say happily bcause I love working. I'm now busy at my sewing machine trying to get 3 skirts and a jumper finished by Friday afternoon. Wish for me no mistakes!!!

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