Thursday, September 6, 2012


Finally, the day is nigh. Friday is freedom day. The last trip to the rehabilitation hospital. Home comes the patient along with the walker, flex machine, tiny little "bike," and extraneous other equipment. It well be a carful, but a trip eagerly anticipated. Husband is really doing well. Hooray!

As caretaker I will appreciate not making the once or twice a day 30 minute trip to see him. The dog will appreciate not having to spend so many hours alone. My credit card will appreciate fewer stops at the gas pumps. So it is freedom for both of us.

We have  learned from this experience - too much about our medical systems. Medical care could be/should be better. But we are thankful for the caring and considerate aides and therapists who have been kind and careful to explain what is going on. and who have spent time with the patient. Good for them!!!

Thanks to all who have phoned, emailed, etc. to support. We couldn't have done it without you.

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