Monday, April 20, 2009

A Mighty Fine Show

Just returned in the wee hours this morning from a trip to Bloomington, Indiana to view the thesis show of Master's Candidate, Allyson Smith. (My lovely daughter-in-law who makes me very proud.)

Bloomington is a very picturesque town and the campus of Indiana University is pretty with lots of trees, green grass and rolling hills. The weather was perfect on Friday and Saturday. We enjoyed just spending time together, viewing some good and very interesting art and eating some great meals.
Allyson has always been fascinated with the figure. These paintings are very boisterous and vibrant. She is moving from a cool blue palette to a warm rosy one.

During her gallery talk she spoke of her joy in the act of painting, and her exuberance can easily be seen in the easy flow of brushstrokes and lines.I especially like the following three for their intimate view of she and her husband, Tyson Skross. Different aspects of a relationship echoed in the light to dark palettes, distinctive parts to a merged single, upside down to right side up. Thoughtful and thought-provoking view of a couple which is universal. This was my favorite. I am always partial to mixed media so the three dimensional aspect with the painted wood slats is so pleasing to my eye. Allyson says that this was her most recemt piece for this exhibit. It looks to me like this could be the first piece of a whole new, or at least a continuation of, a series. How exciting to anticipate where her view of people and relationships will take us next.

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