Friday, March 8, 2013

Rainy Day

Here in Central Texas we haven't been getting many rainy days. So we greet one with joy. We want the spring flowers to bloom. Those new green buds and leaves on the trees need the moisture. So despite this being a huge weekend and coming week in Austin, SXSW, we must smile as the raindrops spatter our roads and sidewalks. (Besides, the weatherpeople say it won't last.)

Speaking of spring and blooming, here is something new fron Annarella Girl.

A pillowcase dress with some differences. Pillowcase dresses have been around for a long time. In fact they were originally made out of pillow cases. I've been looking at them for awhile when a customer mentioned how easy it seemed it would be to make them reversible. Light bulb moment. Of course!!!!
Add a top band and a bottom band that echoes the reverse. Make with a bit of an a-line shape for easy running and dancing. Don't you think that is important for every little girl? And Voila!


What do you think? Now I'm into final phase of development. I've put a call out for a local 18 month old who would wear it and then have it washed to make sure of ease of care. Keep your fingers crossed that the idea doesn't need too much more fine tuning.

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