Monday, November 10, 2008

A fun First Friday

Annarella Home was full of art, music, artists and people last Friday. It was a debut for the jazz group, Manhasits Trio, and the crowd loved them Their sound was smooth. The food was good. It was fun to see old friends and meet some new ones.

Below is artist, Carol Hayman standing in front of a few of her photographs

Here is Cathie Kayser (left) in conversation with fellow printmaker, Anna Marie Pavlik (middle). You can see a bit of their work in the background. The interested bystander is Cathie's daughter, Elizabeth. The 3 women artists, Carol, Cathie and Anna Marie, will be giving an informal talk on printmaking and collecting at First Friday in Dec. In the next couple of weeks I'll be posting artists' interviews and pictures of their works.

Below are pictures of some of the people who shared the good times with us.

Thanks to everyone for making yet another First Friday a rousing success. Don't forget Dec. 5th.

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