Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Yesterday I shared 2 blogs that I absolutely love. (There's that word again. Do you think I'm overusing it?) A friend sent me the link for a new website she had found and thought I might like and find useful. As I continue to work on setting up a group of like-minded artistisans and crafters to inspire me and help me grow my creative business, I am constantly reading stories of people who are successful looking for hints that fit me. I think this new website is a good one. It is called "Smart, Creative Women". Doesn't that say a mouthful in 3 short words? Founded by Monica Lee, an illustrator and fabric designer, she wants to crafters and artists. Her mission is to "inspire, learn, grow." So she is interviewing artists with strong creative businesses. She hopes to capture the "determination, daring and spark" that makes them successful. I look forward to learning from this incredible series. Her first interview is with Cori Dantini - funny and smart.

Tonight is the follow-up meeting for the beginning group of supportive crafters. I'm excited. There is a lot of work ahead, but I hope there is enough enthusiasm to make the tedious fun. I'd like to see a name come out tonight and also some sense of structure and immediate goals. Wishing us luck and good discussion.

Don't forget if you want another dose of me -

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