Monday, February 6, 2012

Moving Forward?

Annarella Girl is no longer with Diva Chicks. Although I'm talking to a new store, there is nothing final yet. I feel like I've really bounced around the last year. Just when my local customers become comfortable with where I am, something happens and I'mmoving...again.

On the bright side you can always find me on etsy. or on my new facebook page. . You don't have to join facebook to get to my business page You don't have to join facebook in order to look at Annarella Girl page, but you might have to in order to like or comment. Not sure as the rules for business pages keep changing.

So meanwhile have a look at the new tutu with corset top Simple By Shannon does the tutu, either long or short. I do the top. Together we are creating fun and frivolity for little girls.

A new frou frou voice from me. I love my sundresses etc which are wild in a totally different way. But this has been a good design challenge to stretch my creative muscle. What do you think?

Now moving forward, my mantra for 2012. Not always easy to do - sometimes it feels sideways or, horrors, backwards - but I am going to view it all as forward. Stick with me. Keep me positive. Propel me forward with your thoughts and support.

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