Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Afternoon in the Sun

It is an unbelievable day - warm, sunny, soft breeze. I don't want to be inside. Give me a good book and let me soak up the warmth. Butler agrees. At every opportunity we find ourelves edging toward the door. Despite having a meeting tonight, I don't want to organize or clean. No, no, no, I want more sun. Well, it will be dusk by the time people arrive. Dust doesn't show in the dark, right?

Here's the latest dress. I showed it under construction on my ironing board. Looks cute all finished, doesn't it? I've said it before, but I'll repeat it, I really enjoy the combination of soft colors with fabric patterns that have an old-fashioned vibe.

Next I have to get some onesies done. Short sleeve weather is here, and I'm not prepared. Gotta stay away from that door to the porch even though I can feel it pulling me even now.

Like a plant I need water and sun to grow strong and sturdy. Sun, here I come! Tomorrow morning I'll post it on etsy. 

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