Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rain, Rain...

It's been raining with some regularity here in Central Texas. Drought has gone from classified as extraordinary to extreme to severe. So we are making some progress, but everyone is still holding collective breaths that conditions continue to improve. Disclaimer, my dog, Butler, is not in favor of more rain. Although not particularly dainty, he does like to get his feet wet. Since the bark park has some low lying areas, he doesn't get to go until it has had a day or two to dry out which means probably not at all this weekend since it really poured last night. I try and try to explain to him the common sense of waiting, but he just doesn't get it. His eyes get so sad each time I climb in the car without him.

But I'm able to make good use of my time. This morning got this dress, 6-12mos, ready for the bottom ruffle which is unruffled behind it on the ironing board. I know it's difficult to see since it must battle bad candid photography and a garish striped ironing board cover. So maybe you just have to trust me that it is going to be adorable.

I have 2 special orders waiting to be finished. And, TA DA, Mama D's and Annarella Girl have found another store who is welcoming us. Snickelbritches in Temple, Texas. They carry a variety of handmade goods of extrememly good quality. We're proud to be a part of their family of artisans. More info in the next few days as we ready ourselves to move in.

Meanwhile you all have a good weekend. Next time you see me the dress above will be done.

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