Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why You Haven't Been Hearing from Me

Busy days. There are 3 projects that are converging. I'm as busy as a one-armed paper hanger.

Two weeks until the Poppy Fest. Georgetown's Square welcomes 30,000 visitors to hear the music, see the cars, eat fair food, and visit all the arts and crafts vendors - that means me!!! Go to the website to see the stars and schedule for all events.

I'm also helping the Georgetown Art Works create an outstanding  booth to spread the word about the new art center coming to Georgetown. Look for the big blue elephant at the Red Poppy Fest. There you can find out what the art center will be doing this year, how you can become a member and support this exciting project.

Then 2 weeks later, May 9th - 11th I'll be at the Wilmington Flower Market. I had to skip it last year, but I'm back!!! Great show which benefits lots of worthy children's charities. Come out buy a plant, famous flower market mustard and a colorful sundress!!!

All this has kept my fingers flying at the sewing machine and attending more meetings than I'd like. Here are a few new creations for my booth at Red Poppy and the Flower Market. Spread the word. Mark your calendar. Annarella Girl is coming.



linda appel said...

Love the wonderful new fabrics and designs. The
black and white herringbone is ery sophisticated
(in both directions!) and I the birdcage print is yummy.
Good luck with all your ventures.

ellie said...

Thank you, Linda. Today's post, Wed, is with you in mind.

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