Thursday, April 25, 2013

With Apologies

I've been neglecting you, my followers. Somehow I keep running out of time. Do you have people in your life who are always productive? Who seem to have time to run up a quick skirt, bake a couple of loaves of bread, run 3 miles a day, clean their baseboards, have cookies and milk ready for the kids, and even more? Where do they find the time!!! Does their day have 28 hours?

Well, my day only has 24. Truthfully, the morning hours between 7 & 11 are the ones that really count. After lunch I begin to slow down. For me that means going from a saunter to a crawl. I guess I really only have 4 hours in my day. No wonder the rest of you are so far ahead.

Tomorrow is set up for the Red Poppy Festival then with just a little help from the weather man an exciting weekend connecting with old friends and making some new ones. Come on out to say hello!

This little reversible pillowcase dress should be ready and hanging in the booth for some smiling little 2 year old.

After the weekend, I have one day to pack car and set out for Wilmington, DE. For all of you on the East Coast Annarella Girl will be at the Wilmington Flower Market from May 9 -11. See you there.  has all the info about the event.
I'll try to stop in here once in a while to chat with you. If I'm neglectful it's because I've run out of hours, but I'll be thinking of you.

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