Friday, December 31, 2010
A New Year
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Holiday Hiatus
These friends are the ones that know me at my ugliest and still cradle me in love and understanding. They've seen me at my skinniest to my fattest. They've listened to my deepest fears and shared my highest joys. Friends like this are rare because it takes years of shared moments to create such a trust and acceptance. A week together will be a rare treat. As you can tell I'm really, really looking forward to this.
Sadly we'll be missing one friend of our original quartet, she is busy elsewhere; but we'll be thinking of her while we share reminiscences, glasses of wine, new adventures, movies and beach time. See you next time, Norma.
Posts for the next month will be sparse. I'll be more regular come January.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Making My Christmas List
So don't give up on me. I know the blogs are infrequent, but it is time-consuming right now on this old lady - machine not me.
Have a great Thanksgiving. Stuffing is my favorite left over in the world. What's gets your mouth to watering on your holiday table?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I (Heart) Kind People
Is there a move afoot to make it fashionable to be polite, considerate and kind? I hope so. That is a movement I would support. How about you?
Possible sayings for more tee shirts. "It's Cool to be Kind."
"Kindness is the New Chic."
"Kill Them with Kindness."
"Confuse Your Enemies with Kindness."
"Change the World One Kind Act at a Time."
You get the idea. Now come up with some sayings of your own!!!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
After the Show
The show was successful. I have several special orders to fill this week. Then there are several sizes of dresses and skirts which need replenishing. Lately medium and large skirts are going out the door. For dresses it is size 18 months and girls 5. Is there any logic in these sizes? Always a challenge to figure out what is going to be popular!
One of the best parts of these shows I do, is catching up with old friends and customers. One cutie showed up in her dress fom last year! What a thrill to see my clothes on a girl. Her Mom reported that it was her favorite dress, and she wore it constantly. The colors were still so bright! It looked like new. I wish I could bottle her comments for everyone who wonders if Annarella Girl clothes ae comfortable or wear well. Yes, yes , yes!
I feel very appreciated by all the positive comments. I look forward to seeing the many people who stopped by my booth at Mama D's in the weeks to come. Remember we're the red bungalow on University Ave in Georgetown - #407.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Extra Hands

Friday, November 5, 2010

Have a good weekend. And visit me next week at the FBC Christmas Spectacular, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Now I'm off to sew up some more goodies!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Black and Blue

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Pity Me Not
After my last whining post I spent some time cruising the blog world which made me realize how boring I had become. So I declare a new outlook. My world is filled with good things, and I will look at those. While I sew, I will concentrate on positives. I will watch less mind-numbing TV and listen to more music. (I know my mood will improve if I'm not constantly exposed to those negative, lying political ads. How depressing to be constantly reminded of the state of our political choices.) Its amazing how powerful the mind is once it is made up! My world is looking better already.
Enough dribble for now. Have a great Tuesday. Tell me what you do to break out of the doldrums. Inspire me.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sometimes Life Gets in the Way
How are all the rest of you out there doing? Is anyone being productive or very creative? Or are we all spinning wheels? Pass along your words of wisdom to me. Meanwhile tomorrow is another day!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thoughts on Life and Death
She was part of my life for almost 50 years. Now she's gone. There is always a time of disconnect. It's like a bruise, You can ignore the ache for periods, but then you bump into a reminder and the hurt throbs. I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that she won't be sitting in her chair the next time I journey to my sister-in-law's home.
The last 2 weeks have taught me that the act of dying is much like having a baby - each body has its own time frame. My mother-in-law was a strong woman. Her body was reluctant to stop functioning. On the one hand we all wished her peace, but we all were thankful for the extra days to say goodbye. We're left with some good memories of shared times. I like to think that she heard the reminiscing and expressions of love.
Now I'm back to my life here. Thinking about my life. Wondering how well I'm living. Am I using what she taught me? Would she be proud of me?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Grace and Dignity
I know Mom is being made to feel as comfortable as possible. She is doing a lot of peaceful sleeping. This is the way we all want to approach death - softly, painlessly. Nothing can totally erase the sting of death for the survivors but knowing that the suffering is minimized certainly helps. When my time comes, I hope I have a caring team like this to help me leave with grace and dignity.
Friday, October 1, 2010
A Little Bit More of Fall

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Guilty Pleasures

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sunday Sound Bites Revisited
I've often discussed art as the food for the soul, but this AM this quote leapt out at me. What kind of music is your language? For me I love listening to piano. Over the years I've swayed, sung along and smiled with some fantastic piano men - Randy Newman, Billy Joel, Elton John, Ray Charles and Harry Connick Jr. They have shouted out in my workroom, helped me clean house, accompanied me on many a road trip and inspired my creativity. Anyone else out there with a favorite piano man?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Gifts Large and Small
First and foremost, my wonderful family - the one in which I was born and the one my husband and I created. Both families are filled with diverse people who respect and love one another. How secure I feel. When I fall or am filled with fears and doubts, they pick me up. Wow!!
Friends - like the one mentioned above. She brings out the best in me. Thanks.
My business - I've been many things. Now I'm living the creative dream. It's been a real gift to have the opportunity to try my talents and entreprenurial dreams. Recently this dream has brought a new support into my life, Mama D's. Jenny and Joan are generous in their technical and emotional support. And they are endlessly optimistic. We are dreaming big and working hard.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
New on Etsy
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sunday Bites
"Education is fine as long as it doesn't stand in the way of thinking." In the current atmosphere of standardized testing, school budget cuts and beleaguered teachers, this statement should be in every teacher's room, every principal's office, every school board's meeting room, every legislative office and in every room in the suite occupied by the Secretary of Education. We need to help our students to sift through and interpret the overwhelming amount of information to which they are subjected at every turn. For the sake of a healthy democracy led in wisdom and courage by the upcoming generations, they must learn to think, to listen and to question intelligently. I leave it to those smarter than me to come up with curriculums to create schools that foster thoughts, don't stifle them.
"I'm sick and tired of anger." This quote comes from one of the 911 widows. Such a simple statement fom one who could be filled with rightful anger at what life has dealt her, but instead wants the world to move beyond the rage and vitriolic language that is so prevalent in out country, the media, the politics and a vocal minority (I hope it is a loud few.). Lets listen to her. Lets start a movement for civil debate that is polite and respectful of our differences. Lets stop the name calling, the shouting, the talking over people and the factless generalizations. Each one of us can take the first step by treating others the way we want to be treated. Lets all try it for a month and see what happens. Lets insist that our children practice it for a month and see how it feels. Such a grass roots movement would be away to give back to one who in the death of her spouse asks for so little.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Family Ties

Thanks to Brad and Bev for planning it all with great help from Jessica and Rick. Thanks to all for coming from far and wide. For the first timeI got to meet the last spouse added. The second generation treated of us oldsters so well. Thanks for Bob's breakfasts, K Brad's telescope for the stars and planets show, third generation's entertainment in the water and out,

and all the spouses who put up with the endless stories of the old times. Thanks for the sister who brought us her beautiful words. Thanks for the puzzle. Our time was relaxing, fattening and filled with good conversation! Thanks. (A little aside, off the broad topic, but very much in the thanks category. A huge thanks for the save often feature of blogger since I've been kicked off twice with only a small loss. Thanks, thanks, thank goodness!)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Work in Progress
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Cleaning Up

It's been fun to fool around with these. Let me know what you think. (I'm so sucky at pics, I'm never sure how much you can decipher in my photos.)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Christopher St Leger

Monday, August 23, 2010
I learned a few lessons this weekend in Corpus Christi. And not easy ones. I went expecting a big successful and slunk out with a huge failure. Luckily being with Mama Ds I could review it all with Jennifer D. So by the arrival home I'd decided quitting was not the answer (and by Sunday afternoon I was ready to just shuck it all.). But I think I have it in perspective now. A big thanks to Jennifer D.
Why such a dismal show for me? Mama Ds had lots of sales even though her sales were off about 1/3 from last year. It felt like the slow economy had finally hit there. That are depends on tourism and the oil industry. While not subject to oil on the beaches the Gulf oil spill has made people stay away from the Gulf shores and workers in the oil business very aware of the fragility of their incomes. So all the customers were very cautious with their purchases and orders.
Children, children children, bless their hearts. Shopping is hard on them. We had quite a few falling apart in our booth. (And I don't blame them, sometimes shopping makes me want to cry!) This makes it very difficult for the Moms. Impossible to make a choice with a crying toddler pulling at you. Or refusing to try something on. If you were one of these moms, please email or call me. I'll be able to send you pics of what you were looking at.
On the plus side I met some great people. Got lots of positive comments. And some very good suggestions which I'll be looking into this week. Oh well, in this business you never know what to expect. Good show, bad show. So I'm not quitting. Gonna try to learn as much as possible from this to improve my business and move on.
PS. If you want to send me some love and encouragement, itwould be a welcomed hug.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
How Did You Get Your Wings?

Don't forget to visit me at the Peddler Show in Corpus Christi this weekend. Fri 3-8, Sat 9-6, Sun 11-4. Check out website for reduced admission. Here's one of the new rompers that I'm taking.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Fingers Crossed

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tickle the Soul

Apologies to the Next Generation by Dan Zinno
Back to the subject of fountains and tickling. The phrase brought back memories from my youth when every summer my mother would take some of us to Longwood Gardens to see a show followed by the dancing fountains. For the life of me I don't remember any of the performances although I think at least one might have been a Gilbert and Sullivan. But I remember being mesmerized by the fountains painted in colored lights and dancing to music. I was so excited each year. Truly it was an awesome display to this young lady. The fountains still dance, now in concert with a fireworks show. If you ever have a chance to see these at Longwood Gardens, remember that girl thrilled by the spectacular. I thank my parents for exposing me to them even if they were sure I'd remember the musical play too.
Other waters, simple and not, stir my creative juices. When trying to work out a problem or unblock a design, water always helps. From a shower to washing dishes the feel of water seems to unclog my thought processes. Feeling a little down, sitting by a stream or watching the play of light through a sprinkler can bring back a lightness to my being. Water has the magical quality to "tickle my soul." Make me feel whole, again. How about you? What pulls you out of the doldrums? Anybody else out there use water like I do?
I leave you today with one of my favorites, Buckingham Fountain in Chicago.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Taking Flight

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Blogs for Thoughts, continued

Sunday, August 8, 2010
A Sunday Thought

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Catching Up...More

Friday, August 6, 2010
Where to Begin

It was another stint of Grammy time. This summer my grandchildren have been around more than usual. I love it!! Sometimes they are with their parents but often without. The solo periods have meant I have really gotten a chance to appreciate each one and the phase they are in as they grow. They are such good kids who try hard to help me and be kind to each other. And you know when you are ages 5 to 10 that is not always easy!
Meanwhile I'm grabbing every minute to sew. Now that my house is quiet, I am catching up with business projects on the computer, house cleaning and errands. Getting back to my usual schedule feels comfortable. It's like putting on that old shoe...ahhhhh!
a small complication - computer is acting squirrelly. Right now I can't upload any photos for this blog. WHY? I'll never understand the mysteries of computers. Does anyone else have a love/hate relationship with their machine like I do?
Hopefully next blog pics will return.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
In a Hurry
I just keep running out of time. Bear with me.
In the meantime take a peek at news at and atmagnoliasend. Then maybe you all can write your thoughts.
See you tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Blogs for Thought
So here is my list. I put it out in no particular order but with the hope you maybe can connect with one or two. Or let me know what your favorites are.
1. Shirley Valentine - as a woman growing up in the beginnings of the woman's movement this film holds special relevance for me. The story of finding courage to change and love held me in thrall - oh the possibilities!
2. The Commitments - Irish soul. Magnificent sound track!
3. A Chorus Line - not sure why I love this but everytime I see it is playing on TV I find myself sinking into the story and dance. Hold onto the dream!
4. Little Women (1949) - this was the first movie I remember seeing. I fell in love with the characters, Meg, boyish Jo, gentle Beth and Amy. What a strong cast it had. Elizabeth Taylor, June Allyson, Janet Leigh, Margaret O"Brien and Peter Lawford. It's, also, good fun to watch the 1933 version with Katherine Hepburn as Jo. Alternately, I read all of Louisa May Alcott's books over and over when I was 8 and up. This was my first look at the possibilities for young women. I could be a teacher, a writer , a mother, and a wife. I could have it all!
5. Gone with the Wind - hokey, maudlin and a good cry.
6. To Kill a Mockingbird - eloquent and still relevant.
7. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - don't we all remember a teacher like Ben Stein's character? Silly but filled with authentic coming of age moments and dreams.
There are so many more - Pink Panther, most of the Monty Python movies, ET. and Saving Private Ryan. I could go on and on.
So what movies are special for you?
I've run out of time for today so will write about other blogs tomorrow.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Mama D and Me