First and foremost, my wonderful family - the one in which I was born and the one my husband and I created. Both families are filled with diverse people who respect and love one another. How secure I feel. When I fall or am filled with fears and doubts, they pick me up. Wow!!
Friends - like the one mentioned above. She brings out the best in me. Thanks.
My business - I've been many things. Now I'm living the creative dream. It's been a real gift to have the opportunity to try my talents and entreprenurial dreams. Recently this dream has brought a new support into my life, Mama D's. Jenny and Joan are generous in their technical and emotional support. And they are endlessly optimistic. We are dreaming big and working hard.

Here is a "bird" dress in size 3 posted this morning in my etsy store.

My workroom - a family affair in the making. I love walking into it in the morning. With its hanging fabrics, 2 work stations, computer and all, it is an organized area for work. I smile when I remember the help my daughter and husband have provided to give me my space.
The recent family reunion - I'm still basking in the warm afterglow as I remember the morning coffee and conversations while overlooking the river.
Second hand books - a brother-in-law is a member of a Lion's Club in Avondale, PA. They have second hand book store run as a fund raiser. Its wonderful. I return with a bag full to keep me occupied for a while. And know that I've contributed, albeit in a small way, to the many worthy causes they support. If you're in their neck of the woods, I hope you'll search the book barn out.
Every dawn and every sunset - here is another one from the reunion. Enjoy

What wonderful gifts you have, thankyou for sharing.You have touched my heart and made me smile :)
we are good for one another. from the moment we met we've been trading ideas, ideals, projects and dreams. love you, my friend.
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