A friend, Susan, write a personal blog, http://www.atmagnoliasend.blogspot.com/, which is about her life and random thoughts. Her voice is gentle and insightful. a true reflection of her. In the last month she has written several posts that have really resonated with me.
First she did a mid-year review of her personal goals for the year. What a super job she is doing at keeping her resolutions moving forward. Have you been able to progress in self growth or business growth? I decided it was a good time to take account of my goals and plan follow-up for the last quarter of 2010.
Businesswise, 1.I've worked on using the internet better with changes on my blog. Goal - want to start a newsletter for Mama D and me. 2.Found a new home with Mama D's which gives me a chance to attend more shows in Texas. (By the way, the next one is in Corpus Cristie, Aug 20-22.) Had a great time at The Wilmington Flower Market in May!!! 3. Have acquired 2 part time assistants to help with computer work and sewing. Hooray!
Personally, trying to find more balance - all work, no play make me very dull. Hence you've seen here more time with grandchildren and children. And more time with friends. Getting out for lunch, dinner or just a cup of coffee at least once a month. It doesn't sound like much but for me, the driven hermit, it's an improvement; and it does make me feel better. Stay tuned I want to add some physical activity next quarter.
Spiritually, I'm trying to live my best life possible - always learning and stretching. I find the current mean spiritedness as seen on reality TV, news sites, on internet blogs really, really distressing. So I'm working on being positive, not petty, and celebrating all the good events and good people I know. Click here for one woman's 90 day journey to being less negative. Also, read Susan's blog for her cheery take on life. The blog was part of her new year goals. Congrats on a success.
So, how would your mid-year review be? I suspect most of you are moving forward in a positive manner. Share your proud accomplishments - business or personal. Keep up the good work!!!
PS. a small look at the owl apron dress as promised.
does that owl dress come in a missy size 8? will it make me wise? I suppose I will just have to wait for granddaughters.
my friend, you are such an inspiration to me and others. we have know each other for years and everyday I learn and grow and laugh and love more because of that time we have spent together.
so thank you dearest. here's to our next outing. make it soon please.
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