Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Left Turn

After my long break, since end of April, from this blog, I'm back but with some changes upcoming.

We, husband and I, are simplifying our life and responsibilities. We're getting rid of 95% of our belongings, everything except some clothes, one car and some kitchen stuff, and running away to the Bahamas.

How did we get to this stage? We discovered during our long drive to the East and back that we had reached the same point. We were tired of the responsibility of all our stuff. I think of it as the tyranny of STUFF. Our house and possessions have served us well. We've raised a family, seen the birth of grandchildren, celebrated family Christmases and Fourth of Julys,  but we want to pass the baton. Kids, you take over the traditions. We want to be free. Live where we won't be worried about upkeep. Where we can drop everything and go.

I will take a lot of my sewing room. After all Annarella Girl is my mental therapy. But I'm sure the sun, blue waters and gentle breezes will lead to some changes and only make it better.

So we begin the long, arduous task of sifting through it all. Finding new homes for our things. My faithful readers, you will probably have to endure some gnashing of teeth as every corner of every closet is pulled out to make the decision - go, sell, donate, give to children and grandchildren.

I'm excited. It's another adventure in a life that has given me so many wonderful experiences. So stayed tuned. I need your support and thoughts as I work through this.


linda appel said...

Even though you told me about this before posting
the news I am still flabbergasted. Brave, wild and crazy, envy-making: I don't know what to say. But I am obviously a little bit jealous. Wish you lots and lots of luck.

Unknown said...

Good luck to you Ellie as you follow a dream. The sun and the sea are so healing and peaceful. I just know you will love it.

Mocadeaux said...

I'm not sure I'm ready to downsize quite as dramatically as you are doing but I can totally relate to the "tyranny of stuff" comment. I'm just tired of STUFF!! Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

I think this is wonderful! Congrats to you and Ronnie! AND your Brian Andreas piece is no longer true..you are flying where all can see and you are an inspiration!
Love you, Christina