Monday, April 29, 2013

Break Time

My dear readers, the time has come for me to take a break from blogging. In the immediate future I'll be on the road. Then I'm not sure what I'll do after that. It's been fun - 615 posts, but it is time to say goodbye. Thanks to all of you who have read and commented over the past years. I'll still be talking to you in my mind. I'm making no promises about how long I'll be gone.

You'll still be able to find me on facebook. That's an easy way to see what I'm doing.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

With Apologies

I've been neglecting you, my followers. Somehow I keep running out of time. Do you have people in your life who are always productive? Who seem to have time to run up a quick skirt, bake a couple of loaves of bread, run 3 miles a day, clean their baseboards, have cookies and milk ready for the kids, and even more? Where do they find the time!!! Does their day have 28 hours?

Well, my day only has 24. Truthfully, the morning hours between 7 & 11 are the ones that really count. After lunch I begin to slow down. For me that means going from a saunter to a crawl. I guess I really only have 4 hours in my day. No wonder the rest of you are so far ahead.

Tomorrow is set up for the Red Poppy Festival then with just a little help from the weather man an exciting weekend connecting with old friends and making some new ones. Come on out to say hello!

This little reversible pillowcase dress should be ready and hanging in the booth for some smiling little 2 year old.

After the weekend, I have one day to pack car and set out for Wilmington, DE. For all of you on the East Coast Annarella Girl will be at the Wilmington Flower Market from May 9 -11. See you there.  has all the info about the event.
I'll try to stop in here once in a while to chat with you. If I'm neglectful it's because I've run out of hours, but I'll be thinking of you.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday Countdown

The sun is shining through my sewing room window, but the temperature is unusually chilly. Who left the refrigerator door open last night?
sunny skirt, size M (5-6)
I'm into the final countdown before the Red Poppy Festival which kicks off next Saturday. So much left to do. That dreaded to-do list is soooo long. Most of the sewing is done, but I have a few "if I can get to it" dresses and onesies I'm dying to do. a lot of the tasks are now organizational and business details. Print off handouts; tag everything; iron, iron, iron all the goodies; make headbands; gather all display items; stamp receipts. Seems endless, doesn't it?

Why go through all of this work for a show? I love meeting all the customers. I look forward to talking to the girls. The feedback is invalauble. For months I work in the solitary confines of my sewing room. A show gives me a chance to see if I'm designing and creating clothes that a little girl wants. Every smile affirms that I'm on the right track. Each excited buyer gives me a shot of love.

Recently a reader left a comment saying that Annarella Girl clothes made her smile. That is the ultimate compliment for me! When someone walks into my booth and smiles as he/she looks, I feel it as a warm hug. Does anyone remember the Oscar acceptance speech of Sally Fields when she exclaimed, "You love me! You really love me!?" I want to shout those words with every smile and each purchase. Yep, these are my creation "babies," and you think they are cute!!! I am a proud mom.

I hope you will be able to put up with my obsessing about Red Poppy. And it doesn't end there. Two days after, April 30, husband and I start the long drive to take Annarella Girl to the Wilmington Flower Market. Hooray!! Another dose of love, I hope.

Hey, if you are close to either show, stop in and say hi. I'd love to see you!! Now, I'm off to make some headbands. Busy, busy , busy.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Header

My favorite photograper, Sarah Havard, has created the new header. I'm going to try this one out for several days. I always have to live with something for awhile to see if it suits me.

All comments and opinions are welcomed.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

To Do List, Again

The Wednesday "to do" list is long. The tasks are big. Will I accomplish much? What do you do when you are overwhelmed?

I have to be careful not to waste valuable time fretting about "how am I ever going to get this all finished?" Unproductive. So I remind myself to start, move forward, just do; soon I will see progress and that will inspire me to do more.

Ahh, I'm off to start doing. This is not a day for nothingness. And I'm thinking of you, my readers, with your own "to do" lists. Good Wednesday!!! We're all in this together and will get through it together.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


That is the title of today's poem from Kelly Letke, my favorite poet. Her post is so perfect I can't say anything that would add to the feelings of helplessness and despair all are feeling after the news of the Boston Marathon bombings.

Please follow the link to read her words.

"I, [too] am hungry for a rainbow."

(picture courtesy of Kelly Letky)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why You Haven't Been Hearing from Me

Busy days. There are 3 projects that are converging. I'm as busy as a one-armed paper hanger.

Two weeks until the Poppy Fest. Georgetown's Square welcomes 30,000 visitors to hear the music, see the cars, eat fair food, and visit all the arts and crafts vendors - that means me!!! Go to the website to see the stars and schedule for all events.

I'm also helping the Georgetown Art Works create an outstanding  booth to spread the word about the new art center coming to Georgetown. Look for the big blue elephant at the Red Poppy Fest. There you can find out what the art center will be doing this year, how you can become a member and support this exciting project.

Then 2 weeks later, May 9th - 11th I'll be at the Wilmington Flower Market. I had to skip it last year, but I'm back!!! Great show which benefits lots of worthy children's charities. Come out buy a plant, famous flower market mustard and a colorful sundress!!!

All this has kept my fingers flying at the sewing machine and attending more meetings than I'd like. Here are a few new creations for my booth at Red Poppy and the Flower Market. Spread the word. Mark your calendar. Annarella Girl is coming.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Power of Quiet

The world is a noisy place. The TV blares with discordant views and hyperbole from commentators, politicians, "reality" shows, infomercials. Everyone is trying to get our attention by turning up the volume of their speech. I find myself yearning for some quiet. I think it is time for a quiet movement.
If only we could put a govenor on everyone's speech. You know like a govenor on a car that can cap the speed its going. All the views, opinions, pontificating, explaining, arguing,nitpicking, pointing fingers would be limited in their decibel range and exaggeration scale. Everyone would be forced into a quiet zone.

This is an old teacher trick. When the classroom gets too chaotic and no one is paying attention, a teacher has a choice. He/she can throw their voice into the cachophony, or they can turn their back, get very silent while writing on the board or otherwise occupied. If the teacher screams and yells he becomes a part of the chaos. If he chooses the quiet option, he/she raises above the bedlam. Soon the students become intriqued that the teacher is doing something different. Soon they realize that noone is paying attention to them. One by one they still and alert waiting for the teacher to clue them in. It really works.

So I would like to see more of us try the quiet option. It doesn't mean silence but a lessening of the noise. You don't think it will work? It doesn't mean we won't use persistence, but we won't be screamers. And if we turn our back on the hysterical yellers, they may stop without an audience. I'm a bit tired of reading about town meetings that have been hijacked by a vocal few with a singular agenda. What would take place if the audiences and politicians spoke back quietly and persistently that they would not respond to yelling or screaming? If this kind of quiet reaction is repeated over and over perhaps the verbal bullying would stop.

So think quietly about the possibilities of a, shhhh, quiet world. Take deep breaths and enjoy the tranquility. We could start a "quiet" revolution.

I'm ranting, but with my muting governor on.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Personal Assistant Needed

I used to think I would like a wife. You know for all those picky detail chores that fill our lives. But I'm updating my attitude and daydreaming about a personal assistant. What has pushed this latest fantasy?

Last night talking with the poet sister who was outlining all the many steps ahead of her to self-publish a chap book, I was totally stricken by the load of work ahead for her. Having written her poems and chosen which ones to include, I thought she had maybe 3/4 of the work done. No! Her list of the remaining steps and decisions before the book is a hold-in-your-hand reality leaves me exhausted, so I can't even imagine how she feels.

She needs a personal assistant. Someone you can look at and say, "Macy, after you answer all the emails, research and present me with types of paper, find out pricing for cover - color versus black & white, take this to the printer. Oh, and pick up my dry cleaning on your way back." In my fantasy for my sister and then, of course, me, I see that perky, energetic, tireless assistant who can take care of the endless organizational tasks leaving us to create and make the creative decisions.

Don't all of you creative artists, writers, artisans who are trying to run a business need a Macy?

In my case, if I didn't have to be on the phone or email shepharding my business through shows, etsy and stores, I can be awash in fabrics, piecing together the dresses and watching them emerge, creating new designs. Ahhh, bliss! Instead I'm up to my neck in paper - email and  microsoft office. I need to create a time line for the Georgetown Art Center, email artists and artisans for the gift shop portion, talk budget for the art center booth at the Red Poppy Fest, plus a few more necessary and urgent tasks. Oh,  if only I could swivel my chair around and say, "Macy, take care of this." Then I could work on the next onesie.

Well, a girl (truth in advertising, an old lady) can dream.

Here are 2 dresses that are making their debut at the Red Poppy Fest in the Annarella Girl  booth. I'm in love with the vivid colors.


Notice one fabric is common to both, but the pallette of each is totally different. That's part of the fun in what I do. I hope you are smiling as you look at them. The joy I take in looking at their vivid colors and the pride I take in a job well done, give me a push forward to the to do list. I'm going to corral some of that paper work!!! 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ordinary Heroes

Who are the heroes in your life? Are they sports stars? Or film stars? Tv stars? Reality stars? Politicians? Leaders?

My heroes are from the ordinary. Those who live their lives with an eye to helping others. People who raise the next generations with hope and optimism. Men and women who work daily at living their best lives while constantly learning and improving. I draw from my family, friends, acquaintances and neighbors for my heroes list.

My parents - how lucky I have been to have them as examples of how to be caring, thinking, curious humans. From them I learned to appreciate the sunrise and sunset; books are a window into different cultures, countries and worlds; you should never stop learning, asking questions, discovering; everyone deserves to be respected; music, art, poetry are the foods for our souls, our humanity. Although they would laugh at being called heroes, to me they are superman and woman; Zeus and Hera. They lived life, raised 5 children, moved at least 10 times while maintaining a zest for the new and an appreciation for the old. Now that is a hero!

Mom and Dad, thank you for the gifts of respect and wonder. I'm doing my best to pass them on to my children and grandchildren.