Friday, March 22, 2013

List Making

Sunrise yesterday was gorgeous - such inspiring colors. Everyday the dawn is different. Mother nature, you rock!

Grabbing a cup of coffee I toddle off to my work room to try and mold my day. Making a list is the way I try to order my time. A few days ago I posted about spring fever and its effect on me - lack of focus, task hopping, and general purposelessness. In order to correct and corral my energies I make a list of tasks to accomplish. Not a glamorous solution but it works for me.

So after breathing in the fresh spring air and feasting on the rosy sunrise, I tackle the to do list. It pays off. Of the 6 tasks I target as important to finish...drum roll please...5 are crossed off. Ahhhhh, my world seems manageable again.

My dream is to spend all my time creating - composing with fabrics; painting with cloth. In reality, the occasional spate of paper work, list making and (dare I admit it) organizing clears my mind and reenergizes my artistic side. Just not too much.

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