Monday, January 7, 2013

Little Things Mean a Lot

It's over. The last light is gone. Goodbye to the glittery balls. So long to the cookies and candies. It will be a quick year, and then Christmas will be back.

Meanwhile I smile. As I use a new pencil, it is pink and says " is all you need,"  I remember opening our gifts. Unicorn farts make my lips feel soft. Black licorice calls my name. New slippers call me to dance. New shirts keep me warm while winter visits. New music cd's fill me with energy. Love, love, love it all!!!

To my family, you all did very well. You leave me smiling with memories.

(Don't know what is going on, but I can't insert an image. And I had several. Anyone else know what to do when the browse button is gone?)

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