Good Monday Morning!! You never know what a Monday is going to bring your way, but so far this morning it's a good catch up day.
Temporarily, I hope, Mama D's and Annarella Girl are without a retail site in Georgetown.This weekend some return customers were searching us out and came to my sewing room where visitors are always welcome. Below is the pic of a beauty with one of the dresses she bought. Isn't she lovely!!! I wished she lived closer as she would make a lovely model.
I do love, love it when I can put a smile on such a cute face!!!!! And if you click on the highlighted names above, the links will take you to our etsy stores which are always open.
Last week I took a couple of pics of works in progress. Below is a short series to the final product.
There is happiness in the process especially when I can picture someone like my Saturday cutie wearing it with a big smile!!!
And I finish with a few random observations and apologies. After seeing what I posted last I realize it is time for a disclaimer/apology for my sloppy spelling/editing. Believe it or not I do read what I write, but often I see what is suppose to be there, not what is truly there, so lots of typos sneak through. Sorry!
As mentioned on facebook, allergies are wearing me down. Making me soooo tired! I wish I had a job on one of the morning shows. It seems like they are always taking lots of time off from a job that doesn't seem to take up much time to begin with. I am jealous. And it is enough to make me desert them and listen to the radio instead!
Certainly it is time to remind you that you can follow me on facebook. and or subsricbe to get my blog posts on you email, just gor to upper right of page where it says subscribe, enter your email address and follow instructions.
Happy Monday!!!
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