Beginning of April and some birthdays are here. April 1st bday for a sister-in-law. I've always thought that April Fool's Day must be hard for a kid to have a birthday on, but she is no fool, never has been, so I suspect that even in her childhood she handled it well. Then she married my brother who's birthday is the 2nd. They get to celebrate 2 days in a row or pick the day that suit them best. To be a fool or not be a fool, that is the question.
My day falls on Friday this year. Can't believe I'll be 68. In my dreams I'm somewhere in adulthood, maybe 35 or 28 but no where close to 68. That sounds so old, and until I try to get out of bed, has no place in my thoughts. Age truly is a state of mind as long as one doesn't look in the mirror.
Normally I don't really celebrate my day. I always hope for a phone call from my kids, a card or note from a sibling or two. What do I need for a gift? Things which are the hardest to give. Time, a shared task, like repotting a tree. A hug from those who are distant. This year I am fantasizing about a shared meal. I;d like to have parts at 3 different local restaurants. Appetisers at 50/50. I crave their potachos, homemade potato chips gussied up with crumbled cheese, fresh herbs and chopped tomatoes. Yummy - almost as good as Atlanta's Buckhead Diner's homemade chips with blue cheese dressing. Then on to Wildfire for the juiciest burger in Georgetown and probably the US. My favorite food done right!! Finishing at the Monument Cafe for some homemade dsessert. There are several which make the cchoice difficult. Maybe the chocolate pie or a daily special. Made with loving care and good ingredients just like Mom. So this is how I'd like to celebrate my day! Maybe some of it will come true.
How do you like to celebrate your day?
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Travel Dreams, My Bucket List and the Lottery
In a couple of weeks, jury duty willing, I'm going to spend a couple of days in New Orleans. (I must digress for a moment. Why do I always get a summons to jury duty when I have a trip looming? Do they hang outsid my door listening to us make plans? And then once plans are in place, they jump and say gotcha? Just asking.) Anyway....back to New Orleans. This will be my first time to visit this special city, and such a trip has been on my bucket list for awhile.Husband and I will rendevous with our friends who are making a 3 month odyssey across the lower states. Can't wait to hear everything they've seen and done. Can't wait to share some good Cajun food with them. Can't wait to make some new memories with them. I just hope my legs hold up. I just don't get around lately like I did before allergy season which this year started early and is lingering on. Makes me very tired and leg weary.
I love cities. Every one has a different atmosphere, a different energy. In my imaging New Orleans will be very different from my favorites - New York, Paris, London and Florence. Will it be slow and full of scents, tastes and viions? Other cities bubbling up to the top of my bucket list are Vancouver, Seattle, Charleston and San Diego. I do have plans to knock off another two this summer. Northwest here I come. Where will you visit next for your bucket list? Isn't it fun to dream?
Speaking of dreams, while I sew today I 'll be spending my mega millions. Big payoff tonight. What will I do with all that money? Even after you pay off Uncle Sam, it is still huge. Hokey, but I would plan a trip for all the family to Disney World. First class all the way. Stay at one of the Disney hotels. I'm thinking near the water park for all the grandchildren or close to safari. Decisions, decisions. Well, I have plenty of time for my mind to wander and explore the possibilities. My chances of winning are sooo slim. Oh, that's right, they are nil. I don't have a ticket and don't plan to buy one. I still enjoy playing with the what ifs.
What are you going to do with your lottery jackpot? Where are you going to travel? What would be your special treat?
I love cities. Every one has a different atmosphere, a different energy. In my imaging New Orleans will be very different from my favorites - New York, Paris, London and Florence. Will it be slow and full of scents, tastes and viions? Other cities bubbling up to the top of my bucket list are Vancouver, Seattle, Charleston and San Diego. I do have plans to knock off another two this summer. Northwest here I come. Where will you visit next for your bucket list? Isn't it fun to dream?
Speaking of dreams, while I sew today I 'll be spending my mega millions. Big payoff tonight. What will I do with all that money? Even after you pay off Uncle Sam, it is still huge. Hokey, but I would plan a trip for all the family to Disney World. First class all the way. Stay at one of the Disney hotels. I'm thinking near the water park for all the grandchildren or close to safari. Decisions, decisions. Well, I have plenty of time for my mind to wander and explore the possibilities. My chances of winning are sooo slim. Oh, that's right, they are nil. I don't have a ticket and don't plan to buy one. I still enjoy playing with the what ifs.
What are you going to do with your lottery jackpot? Where are you going to travel? What would be your special treat?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
My Real Life
Today is a granddaughter's 7th birthday. She is my diva, princess, ballerina granddaughter. (I love how different all the kids in my life are!!!) Smart, a good reader and student, talented, she lights up a room with her smile. May all her birthdays be filled with joy!!!
By her consent, a forementioned birthday girl wanted to share it with Butler, my dog. Being a rescue animal we're not sure eactly when nis b'day is but think it is somewhere in March. So today is designated his day. He is 3. He has added energy, affection and perspective to my last year. So, happy birthday to him.
Next birthday up, is mine. More about that to come.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Guilty as Charged...Me and Reality?
Confessed on my facebook post last night that I was hooked on HGTV's House Hunters, and received a comment from a friend that her elementary age girls were also. It made me question my TV viewing level. some of you know I'm into reality TV. Let me revise that certain types of reality shows. Not on my viewing list - any show where screaming at each other and a string of bleeps is common. There go all the Housewives, pawn, anything Jersey, Kardashian, bachelor/ette or all other demeaning, mean-spirited, degrading scripted, swamp based reality. Leaving me with House Hunters, American Pickers, Project Runway, Top Chef and Amazing Race. (And some seasons of Survivor.)
It is my secret life in my sewing room. My TV is my companion. My white noise. Frank and Mike, Heidi and Tim, Suzanne, Tom, the voices in my background. I feel a slight shift coming on. Amazing Race is remarkably whiney this season. I don't really like anyone, and the crying, nagging, whining couples are diffigult to distinguish. Whoever did the casting, did a poor job. I'm close to giving up on this season.
On the other side, I didn't expect to like Design Star. Nichol Ritchie and Jessica Simpson as mentors, really???? But I find I'm enjoying format with mentors and buyers. Just enough different from Project Runway to be interesting, not just a wannabe.
I'm enjoying The Chew. As I'm sure I'll enjoy the follow-up "Dieting with the Chew." lol That cast is having fun, and it shows. The Revolution is finding its rythm. I"d watch Tim Gunn in his closet anyday. I find his stiffness endearing. Producers, please, please, please, don't change his cute awkwardness. It works.
Meanwhile, the ladies of The View get back to work or our woman love affair is over.
It is my secret life in my sewing room. My TV is my companion. My white noise. Frank and Mike, Heidi and Tim, Suzanne, Tom, the voices in my background. I feel a slight shift coming on. Amazing Race is remarkably whiney this season. I don't really like anyone, and the crying, nagging, whining couples are diffigult to distinguish. Whoever did the casting, did a poor job. I'm close to giving up on this season.
On the other side, I didn't expect to like Design Star. Nichol Ritchie and Jessica Simpson as mentors, really???? But I find I'm enjoying format with mentors and buyers. Just enough different from Project Runway to be interesting, not just a wannabe.
I'm enjoying The Chew. As I'm sure I'll enjoy the follow-up "Dieting with the Chew." lol That cast is having fun, and it shows. The Revolution is finding its rythm. I"d watch Tim Gunn in his closet anyday. I find his stiffness endearing. Producers, please, please, please, don't change his cute awkwardness. It works.
Meanwhile, the ladies of The View get back to work or our woman love affair is over.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Catching Up Monday
Good Monday Morning!! You never know what a Monday is going to bring your way, but so far this morning it's a good catch up day.
Temporarily, I hope, Mama D's and Annarella Girl are without a retail site in Georgetown.This weekend some return customers were searching us out and came to my sewing room where visitors are always welcome. Below is the pic of a beauty with one of the dresses she bought. Isn't she lovely!!! I wished she lived closer as she would make a lovely model.
I do love, love it when I can put a smile on such a cute face!!!!! And if you click on the highlighted names above, the links will take you to our etsy stores which are always open.
Last week I took a couple of pics of works in progress. Below is a short series to the final product.
There is happiness in the process especially when I can picture someone like my Saturday cutie wearing it with a big smile!!!
And I finish with a few random observations and apologies. After seeing what I posted last I realize it is time for a disclaimer/apology for my sloppy spelling/editing. Believe it or not I do read what I write, but often I see what is suppose to be there, not what is truly there, so lots of typos sneak through. Sorry!
As mentioned on facebook, allergies are wearing me down. Making me soooo tired! I wish I had a job on one of the morning shows. It seems like they are always taking lots of time off from a job that doesn't seem to take up much time to begin with. I am jealous. And it is enough to make me desert them and listen to the radio instead!
Certainly it is time to remind you that you can follow me on facebook. and or subsricbe to get my blog posts on you email, just gor to upper right of page where it says subscribe, enter your email address and follow instructions.
Happy Monday!!!
Temporarily, I hope, Mama D's and Annarella Girl are without a retail site in Georgetown.This weekend some return customers were searching us out and came to my sewing room where visitors are always welcome. Below is the pic of a beauty with one of the dresses she bought. Isn't she lovely!!! I wished she lived closer as she would make a lovely model.
I do love, love it when I can put a smile on such a cute face!!!!! And if you click on the highlighted names above, the links will take you to our etsy stores which are always open.
Last week I took a couple of pics of works in progress. Below is a short series to the final product.
There is happiness in the process especially when I can picture someone like my Saturday cutie wearing it with a big smile!!!
And I finish with a few random observations and apologies. After seeing what I posted last I realize it is time for a disclaimer/apology for my sloppy spelling/editing. Believe it or not I do read what I write, but often I see what is suppose to be there, not what is truly there, so lots of typos sneak through. Sorry!
As mentioned on facebook, allergies are wearing me down. Making me soooo tired! I wish I had a job on one of the morning shows. It seems like they are always taking lots of time off from a job that doesn't seem to take up much time to begin with. I am jealous. And it is enough to make me desert them and listen to the radio instead!
Certainly it is time to remind you that you can follow me on facebook. and or subsricbe to get my blog posts on you email, just gor to upper right of page where it says subscribe, enter your email address and follow instructions.
Happy Monday!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Game Playing
With this weeks boruhaha over the etch-a-sketch, it has made me remember some of the games I have loved over the years.
Parcheesi/Sorry - very similar with it being mostly about luck. Throw the dice and move the piece. A good one to play with kids!
Cribbage - my first gronw-up game as a child where you had to think. For some reason I was better at this than checkers or chess. Never could get the planning ahead for those, but could do some strategy with cribbage.
Group Solitare/ Hell - endless summer days in the card games which required good reflexes. I still play a game online at aol called solitaire race. It's the same idea as Hell - clear a pile of 13 cards by playing solitaire with stacks in the middle which are common to all 4 players. My reflexes are a lot slower these days, but often I am competitive with the others!
Canasta - I couldn't play this now on a bet, but it was another adult game I played when growing up.
Dominos - I love playing Mexican train now with the huge sets that go up to 26es. Frustrating when you can't get a train; exhillarating when you win.
As a family we have played endless hours of Trivial Pursuit, Apples to Apples, etc. And I have good memories of raucous sessions of Charades and Facts in Five with friends.
Game nights, I've always enjoyed them especially when the competition was fair and even sided with good winners and good losers.
Name some of your favorite games and the memories to go with them.
Parcheesi/Sorry - very similar with it being mostly about luck. Throw the dice and move the piece. A good one to play with kids!
Cribbage - my first gronw-up game as a child where you had to think. For some reason I was better at this than checkers or chess. Never could get the planning ahead for those, but could do some strategy with cribbage.
Group Solitare/ Hell - endless summer days in the card games which required good reflexes. I still play a game online at aol called solitaire race. It's the same idea as Hell - clear a pile of 13 cards by playing solitaire with stacks in the middle which are common to all 4 players. My reflexes are a lot slower these days, but often I am competitive with the others!
Canasta - I couldn't play this now on a bet, but it was another adult game I played when growing up.
Dominos - I love playing Mexican train now with the huge sets that go up to 26es. Frustrating when you can't get a train; exhillarating when you win.
As a family we have played endless hours of Trivial Pursuit, Apples to Apples, etc. And I have good memories of raucous sessions of Charades and Facts in Five with friends.
Game nights, I've always enjoyed them especially when the competition was fair and even sided with good winners and good losers.
Name some of your favorite games and the memories to go with them.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Friday Loves
This morning I am loving a sunshiney morning with a warm afternoon expected.
A new love - vanilla Greek yogurt with blueberries and grape nuts added. Tastes like a luxury breakfast.
Quiet productivity in my sewing room. Ruffling with birds, purple, lilac and green.
Having made some decisions and the peace of mind that follows.
Haircut day. Always makes me feel like a new woman. Tossing my head while I strut my stuff.
My particular allergy hell is subsiding. Color and sound is returning to my neck of the woods.
I have a lot to love today. What about you?
A new love - vanilla Greek yogurt with blueberries and grape nuts added. Tastes like a luxury breakfast.
Quiet productivity in my sewing room. Ruffling with birds, purple, lilac and green.
Having made some decisions and the peace of mind that follows.
Haircut day. Always makes me feel like a new woman. Tossing my head while I strut my stuff.
My particular allergy hell is subsiding. Color and sound is returning to my neck of the woods.
I have a lot to love today. What about you?
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
A View from My Room
From my workroom window I have a view of the cul-de-sac where I live. Today is a sunny day which I haven't seen many of recently, so it is especially juyful. A breeze dances with the new leaves, and the sky is a fresh scrubbed blue. Ahh, bliss! Quietly the occasionally a bird flies through or a butterfly flits. Mother Nature is doing a good job today!
My fingers and scissors ae working on a lavendar and green palette. I'm channelling spring flowers - iris, violets and lilacs.
My fingers and scissors ae working on a lavendar and green palette. I'm channelling spring flowers - iris, violets and lilacs.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Scattered Pieces
I watched the lowest level of clouds this morning scud across the sky. Gray on gray. My mind is doing the same, just a little more jittery. So it skitters from one subject to another. On days like this, it is a comfort to sew. As I piece together the bits of a dress, my mind can skip around from idea to idea. There is a comfort for me in the mundane steps - cutting out, pinning together, top stitching a bodice, gathering a skirt. This is one of those mornings when I want to sew- not have to sew, need to catch up and sew, have a special order sew. No, I want to sew. My fingers itch to sew. My mind wants to skitter across a landscape of randomness, dreams, and thoughts as I sew.
I make no attempt to put together the scattered pieces that compose my Monday mind..
I make no attempt to put together the scattered pieces that compose my Monday mind..
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Comfort Foods
Don;t we all have those foods that aren't neccessarily good for us: but when we bite into them, we sigh with pleasure as the taste brings back memories of another time and place where we felt the fun and safety of childhood?
For me it is the juicy hamburger. And I do mean juicy. Red rare, a simple bun, just mustard with sauted onions. When I bite into it, I want the juices to run down my chin!!!! I indulge more often than I should, according to nutrition experts, but not more often than I want. This is not a fast food burger. I make it in a skillet with a quick sear, a few minutes to heat up interior, and a bun browned for a little crunch.
What is your comfort food? I think my family has recently added a dessert which will become a family must have comfort - a sopapilla cheesecake. That is a misnomer. It is more like a Danish pastry on steroids. It involve crescent rolls, cream cheese, sugar, butter and cinnamon. The outcome is creamy center with a crescent roll layer top and bottom, topped with a thin, crispy cinnamon sugar skin. I found the recipe on Pinterest, doubled the filling and VOILA! a family fav was born.
Recipe and picture.
If you have a comfort food recipe to share, feel free. Meanwhile enjoy your Sunday!!
For me it is the juicy hamburger. And I do mean juicy. Red rare, a simple bun, just mustard with sauted onions. When I bite into it, I want the juices to run down my chin!!!! I indulge more often than I should, according to nutrition experts, but not more often than I want. This is not a fast food burger. I make it in a skillet with a quick sear, a few minutes to heat up interior, and a bun browned for a little crunch.
What is your comfort food? I think my family has recently added a dessert which will become a family must have comfort - a sopapilla cheesecake. That is a misnomer. It is more like a Danish pastry on steroids. It involve crescent rolls, cream cheese, sugar, butter and cinnamon. The outcome is creamy center with a crescent roll layer top and bottom, topped with a thin, crispy cinnamon sugar skin. I found the recipe on Pinterest, doubled the filling and VOILA! a family fav was born.
Recipe and picture.
If you have a comfort food recipe to share, feel free. Meanwhile enjoy your Sunday!!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Wearing the Green
Loving this time of the year with lawns, bushes and trees shing in new green. So fresh and lively. Tender, yet energetic at the same time. It just defuses the light when the sun is shining in such a special way. I stare out in awe at nature's subtle show. Isn't nature grand from its smallest displays to its grandest. Spring green is just so special. Mother Nature wear it proudly.
Of note, yesterday on a drive to and from Waco we saw a few roadside displays of bluebonnets. Most of them were not out at their fullest, but enough to ooh and ah. Thanks to the rain fo a better year this spring.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Etsy Day
Today I have several things I need to post to etsy. I neglect my etsy store much too much. Those in the know, successful etsy shop owners, advise anyone who wants to be successful through this tool to post often. It keeps your name in the first few pages. I know this is good advice, why don't I follow? Ahh, one of the mysteries of my business!! One of the mysteries of my psyche!
Posting today.
Posting today.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Spring Break
Pastel jumper, shown in size 2 |
You all take your break at the beach. You all take your break at one of the mega amusement parks. Me, I look forward to a break right here. My daughter along with her 3 kids will visit me for a few days, and I love this break. They get along famously with my Georgetown grandkids so it will be a full house.
It will be short, much too short, but for a couple of days we'll be able to share slow cups of coffee, lumber jack breakfasts, short day trips and pizza. For me this is a bit of bliss. I love hearing the laughter of my grandchildren. What a pleasure to carry on conversations with them. There is such joy in watching them interact and play.
And my adult kids. Lots of laughter, good talks and catching up on dreams, events, exasperations and triumphs. Now this is my idea of a perfect spring break!
Last day for one of a kind onesie over on facebook. Just comment on post or message me over there.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Summer Time Cutie
Brand new onesie. This is one of a kind as the black floral fabric is no longer available. Size 3 mos sleeveless Carter brand. I'm offering it for sale to my blog readers and my Facebook fans for 2 days exclusively, then I will put it on etsy.
Waist band of same material. After this I don't even think I have enough left for a flower headband. Size 18 mos, Carter brand. Same as above offered for blog readers and facebook fans for 2 days before it is posted in my etsy store. I'll send you an invoice through paypal if you wast to purchase. $15 + $3 shipping
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Another Soggy Day
Soggy Saturday and cold to boot. You all know we get spoiled here in Central Texas and don't suffer cold, wet for long. Weather people say one more day, and we are going to hold them to that.
So some sunshine to hum.
"You are my sunshine." I used to sing this to my knids until they got old enough to say, "stop."
"I've got sunshine on a rainy day."
"Blue skies coming my way. Nothing but blue skies from now on."
"Sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home."
What are your sunshine somgs?
So some sunshine to hum.
"You are my sunshine." I used to sing this to my knids until they got old enough to say, "stop."
"I've got sunshine on a rainy day."
"Blue skies coming my way. Nothing but blue skies from now on."
"Sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home."
What are your sunshine somgs?
Friday, March 9, 2012
I live in the heart of wildflower country. Thanks to Lady Bird Johnson in a good year we have gobs of bluebonnets, indian paints, black-eyed susans, and wild ground roses along our roads. It can be a riot of color. Last year we had barely any due to the drought. Hopefully due to our rains starting in January the wildflowers will return. We are having a few days of cool rain under constantly gray skies, but next week looks sunny and warm. Here's hoping the flowers will pop. Certainly I have a bumper crop of dandelions in my yard! And the Bradford Pear trees have done a good job of blooming. Fingers and toes crossed!!!!
Nothing lifts my spirits like wildflowers. There is something about the randomness of where they grow that fills my spirit. But it does take rain either in the fall or spring. As Butler gazes wistfully out the back door at another rainy morning, I explain that the wet stuff he doesn't like is necessary for nature's beauty. The trees are budding and will soon wear their veils of new green. Squirrels will be romping and celebrating the return of leaves. (Well, the mention of squirrels got his ears perked up!!!)
Eagerly I await spring. What do you love most about spring? Is it like Butler, a return of the frisky squirrels? Or like me a chance to fill my senses with wildflowers?
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Georgetown Poppies by Gwen Green |
I live in the heart of wildflower country. Thanks to Lady Bird Johnson in a good year we have gobs of bluebonnets, indian paints, black-eyed susans, and wild ground roses along our roads. It can be a riot of color. Last year we had barely any due to the drought. Hopefully due to our rains starting in January the wildflowers will return. We are having a few days of cool rain under constantly gray skies, but next week looks sunny and warm. Here's hoping the flowers will pop. Certainly I have a bumper crop of dandelions in my yard! And the Bradford Pear trees have done a good job of blooming. Fingers and toes crossed!!!!
Nothing lifts my spirits like wildflowers. There is something about the randomness of where they grow that fills my spirit. But it does take rain either in the fall or spring. As Butler gazes wistfully out the back door at another rainy morning, I explain that the wet stuff he doesn't like is necessary for nature's beauty. The trees are budding and will soon wear their veils of new green. Squirrels will be romping and celebrating the return of leaves. (Well, the mention of squirrels got his ears perked up!!!)
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no credit available |
Eagerly I await spring. What do you love most about spring? Is it like Butler, a return of the frisky squirrels? Or like me a chance to fill my senses with wildflowers?
Thursday, March 8, 2012
More Future Women
I thought if I took a break I could solve problem of why that one picture is turned, but I can't. So I finish with the portrait gallery of Annarella Girls. Some are family, some are models and some are girls I've met at shows. They are all glorious, smart and beautiful. They are going to make fabulous women! It's been my pleasure and honor to have them in my life for a brief instance or many years.
Hurray for the International Women's Day. I celebrate you all.
International Day of Women
I dearly love that I get to dress the future women. I celebrate their feminity, love of ruffles, all things pink and twirling. I applaud their tree climbing, cart wheeling, and running. How wonderful that they have the opportunity to explore so many talents. Kudos to the caring women who are raising this extraordinary generation of females.
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don't know why it is on its side, but I love this girl! So turn your head!!! |
Enjoy this look at our future!!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Life Models
After blogging about finding inspiration in the lives, thoughts and works of others, I find among my facebook friends, Stephanie, a blog post which is in the same vein. She calls them possibility tracks - people she finds inspirational in the life paths they follow.People she can emulate to stretch her own possibilities. I strongly suggest you go to some of the links she offers as examples of those living loud, proud creative lives and sharing what they are learning and doing which inspires others.
Thanks, Stephanie, of Creative Living, for giving me inspiration to continue on creatively! I'm enjoying noting my possibility tracks.
Thanks, Stephanie, of Creative Living, for giving me inspiration to continue on creatively! I'm enjoying noting my possibility tracks.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Blogging for Business...Continuing the Conversation
After I posted last night, I realized I'd omitted part of my thoughts. So here goes with some more.
My premise that readers and fans would be interested in my process and thoughts is based on more than conceit. I am fascinated by what makes people tick, what makes up people's stories. I firmly believe that there are only so many personality taits but the combination of emotions, intellect, personality is what produces each unique individual. And I want to know how this impacts each person's life, especially their creative life. I find each story inspiring. I find each story amazing. Everyone has a story, and I want to hear it.
Whether it be a painter's painting, a writer's writing, a songwriter's songs, a designer's design, an actor's role or a singer's song, I want to know what their voice is, how they choose to express it, and why they create what they do. I assume that many others want to share in the same knowledge. So that's why I write out my thoughts and think some might be interested in them. They are part of my uniquiness and part of my art.
Some artists don't want to share their thoughts; they want the audience to approach it without prejudice. I, on the other hand, want to share my voice, because it further clarifies it for myself. I don't work well in a silent vaccumn. Like I just said, we are all different. Through blogging I get to talk to my audience, sorry for that, sharing bits and pieces of me, the ordinary, the creative, the story of me.
My premise that readers and fans would be interested in my process and thoughts is based on more than conceit. I am fascinated by what makes people tick, what makes up people's stories. I firmly believe that there are only so many personality taits but the combination of emotions, intellect, personality is what produces each unique individual. And I want to know how this impacts each person's life, especially their creative life. I find each story inspiring. I find each story amazing. Everyone has a story, and I want to hear it.
Whether it be a painter's painting, a writer's writing, a songwriter's songs, a designer's design, an actor's role or a singer's song, I want to know what their voice is, how they choose to express it, and why they create what they do. I assume that many others want to share in the same knowledge. So that's why I write out my thoughts and think some might be interested in them. They are part of my uniquiness and part of my art.
Some artists don't want to share their thoughts; they want the audience to approach it without prejudice. I, on the other hand, want to share my voice, because it further clarifies it for myself. I don't work well in a silent vaccumn. Like I just said, we are all different. Through blogging I get to talk to my audience, sorry for that, sharing bits and pieces of me, the ordinary, the creative, the story of me.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Blogging Business Part 2
I had an interesting discussion with a family member about my previous "blogging for business" post. He didn't think it was an effective business tool. Rather it was more of a personal diary of my thoughts and opinions. So I shouldn't expect a larger audience for such personal ramblings.
Maybe there are more of you out there who wonder the same why. My expectation for the blog was/is that my audience will grow because people want to know me better, people want to know more about what I am doing, people would want to know what my creative process is. When someone is buying a dress or onesie, they are buying a little piece of me. Is that creepy? I hope not. Every article I create contains a bit of my imagination, my sensibility, my creativity, my love of color, my love of pattern, my joy in construction. Each one has a uniqueness because it is handmade which involves slight nuances of differences.
Does any of this make sense? Am I further befuddling the issues or clarifying? Perhaps my beginning premise is invalid? Maybe there is little interest in the artisan? Maybe I am the only one who considers my pursuit as an artistic one? Questions, questions questions. Thanks for letting me spew it out. Thanks for listening as I try to wrap my brain around what I am doing and why. It really is all part of my moving forward artistically and business-wise in 2012.
Maybe there are more of you out there who wonder the same why. My expectation for the blog was/is that my audience will grow because people want to know me better, people want to know more about what I am doing, people would want to know what my creative process is. When someone is buying a dress or onesie, they are buying a little piece of me. Is that creepy? I hope not. Every article I create contains a bit of my imagination, my sensibility, my creativity, my love of color, my love of pattern, my joy in construction. Each one has a uniqueness because it is handmade which involves slight nuances of differences.
Does any of this make sense? Am I further befuddling the issues or clarifying? Perhaps my beginning premise is invalid? Maybe there is little interest in the artisan? Maybe I am the only one who considers my pursuit as an artistic one? Questions, questions questions. Thanks for letting me spew it out. Thanks for listening as I try to wrap my brain around what I am doing and why. It really is all part of my moving forward artistically and business-wise in 2012.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Oreos as Normal
Did you know it is the 100th anniversary of the Oreo cookie. I love oreos. Yes, I like to seperate them into 2 parts, eat the plain side first, then scrape the icing off with my teeth, and eat the second side. Don't we all have our favorite method? What's yours?
On a serious note, my wishes for well-being go out to all the storm areas. Tornados are so capricious. I have family living in Ooltwah, TN, but they have escaped the full wrath with minor hail damage. They are some of the lucky ones and will be back to normal quickly.
Back to normal, return to normal, being normal - what is normal? I must admit I'm as guilty as the next person to using phrases with normal, but I am unable to identify normal sometimes.And why do I want to be normal? Does normal = boring? or calm? So what do you think about becoming normal? Is it a worthy goal? Or should I be aspiring to something edgier, more imaginative where the possibilities for growth are greater?
Forward to normal????? Certainly there must br an oreo in my future.
On a serious note, my wishes for well-being go out to all the storm areas. Tornados are so capricious. I have family living in Ooltwah, TN, but they have escaped the full wrath with minor hail damage. They are some of the lucky ones and will be back to normal quickly.
Back to normal, return to normal, being normal - what is normal? I must admit I'm as guilty as the next person to using phrases with normal, but I am unable to identify normal sometimes.And why do I want to be normal? Does normal = boring? or calm? So what do you think about becoming normal? Is it a worthy goal? Or should I be aspiring to something edgier, more imaginative where the possibilities for growth are greater?
Forward to normal????? Certainly there must br an oreo in my future.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Confusion Rains
Why, oh why, does the internet world keep changing? Just when I'm getting comfortable with my facebook business page, the faceless facebook faces will change it by March 30. Doggone it! Now I have to learn and get comfortable with a new format. Wonder how long it will take me to learn this form? I still haven't faced the new "timeline." I guess I have some studying to do.
Is this part of my "forward" challenge for 2012?
Any local Central Texans out there come see Mama Ds and Annarella Girl this Saturday at Cedar Ridge High School, 2801 Gattis School Rd, Round Rock between 9 and 3. Tell me you saw the notice here on my blog or on my facebook and autimatically get 10% off any purchase. Just a little gift for all of my fans!!!!
Is this part of my "forward" challenge for 2012?
Any local Central Texans out there come see Mama Ds and Annarella Girl this Saturday at Cedar Ridge High School, 2801 Gattis School Rd, Round Rock between 9 and 3. Tell me you saw the notice here on my blog or on my facebook and autimatically get 10% off any purchase. Just a little gift for all of my fans!!!!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
I'm Dreaming
I'm dreaming of a mild summer...after all, we've had a very mild winter.
I'm dreaming of a successful show....For all you locals come see Mama Ds and Annarella Girl together at Cedar Ridge High School in Rond Rock this Saturday, March 3, 9-3.
I'm dreaming of more onesies....why is there never time enough to get as much work done as I'd like to?
I'm dreaming up a give-away for facebook and this blog...a thanks to all my fans for being.
I'm dreaming that my house is clean, grocery shopping is done, ironng is finished and there is time left-over for some reading.
Well, a gal can dream, can't she?
I'm dreaming of a successful show....For all you locals come see Mama Ds and Annarella Girl together at Cedar Ridge High School in Rond Rock this Saturday, March 3, 9-3.
I'm dreaming of more onesies....why is there never time enough to get as much work done as I'd like to?
I'm dreaming up a give-away for facebook and this blog...a thanks to all my fans for being.
I'm dreaming that my house is clean, grocery shopping is done, ironng is finished and there is time left-over for some reading.
Well, a gal can dream, can't she?
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