Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Are you superstitious? I'm not, or at least not too much. So Friday the 13th is pretty much another day, nothing special or bad luck. Morning started with a glorious red to pink sunrise. Then I proceeded next to a coffee with a friend. She's been helping me with the formation of a craft coop. So far, no bad luck only good.

The craft group is having its first meeting this coming week. I'm exciting, curious and a tiny bit apprehensive. This is a social as well as business get together. A get to know each other. A chance to see what everyone crafts. An opportunity to share dreams. If it all works out we will emerge with a core group who want to grow their business, And goals to do that. I'll fill you in after Wed.

Made two additions to my etsy shop yesterday. (heck out etsy sidebar.) I will do some more over the weekend. Also delivered some of the new headbands to Diva Chicks. Rocking along.For the moment seem to be striking a good balance between sewing, my first love and preferred activity, and taking care of business.

Enjoy your Friday the 13th. Have a joyful day!!!

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