Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A House Divided

War on Christmas morning in the Skross household. University of Texas vs University of Oklahoma with peaceniks Tyson and flat Allyson (more about that later.) caught in the middle.

A truce was declared for the unwrapping of the gifts carefully monitored by heavily armed Hudson.

While flat Allyson kept peace at the brunch table.

Battling sides posed for group shots as a part of the peace process. You can see that not everyone was happy with the cease fire.

Allyson was unable to make the trip to share our Christmas, so she sent Flat Allyson to take part in all the activities. Below she is getting ready to be a part of the group picture.

then sharing a moment with family at the dinner table. Although she helped with the cookie decorating, stocking stuffing and unwrapping the gifts, it wasn't quite the same. We look forard to the next holiday with real Allyson.

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