Sunday, September 18, 2011

Speeding Along

Halfway through September. Where did it go? Will I be able to get everything done that I need to in the next month? Why did I waste all that time in July and August? (I ask that question every Sept=Oct. Will I ever learn to take advantage of the slow times?)

Working on a special order. The client gave me carte blanche. In some ways that is harder than if a client gives me very specific instructions. But once I got over my insecurities and dove in, I've enjoyed this project. Picked one of my favorite palettes - pinks and browns - a good mix of summer and fall. Finished this morning. I hope the client likes it. I'm pretty secure in the knowledge that the little girls will look great!!!

Still working on the colonial dress for my daughter. Had a second fitting last Sat. Boo hoo, the bodice is still all wrong. I'm trashing it and starting anew. Why is it, when something starts wrong, it almost always is a disaster the entire way? This has been a lesson in humility. I thought I knew how to sew. Now I know with certainty I have much to learn. (I think it's a life lesson for me. Back up one step, listen and watch, Learning never stops.)

The pictures are a couple of the long sleeve onesies I'm working on to include in my Oct. shows. They look really cute with leggings. (Ignore the color of 2nd pic. Consider me technically challenged.)


susan said...

LOVE the long sleeve onesies with the tights. the colors are wonderful and so little girlish. fantastic job!

ellie said...

aww, shucks. praise feels sooo good. thanks