It's been a good week here in my sewing room. As I continue to work with my new fabrics (last ones are seen above), I am feeling productive. Always a feel good thing.
Jennifer of Mama D's and I have picked the spring shows we will be applying to. As we get accepted, we'll let you know. In light of positive thinking I'm using the possibilities to set my production goals. So far that's working for me. Do you all need deadlines to motivate yourselves?
As I work blissfully away, I watch TV. This week has been a sad one. Lots of coverage about the shootings in Tucson. Everyone asking why? I'm glad to see the gun control debate opening again since it is an area where we need some reform. But I'm not to hopeful. Ever since I saw in the assasination attempt of President Reagan the gunning down of James Brady which led his wife and he to unsuccessfully lobby for limited gun control, I lost hope for some common sense legislation for the sales and ownership of weapons meant to kill and maim many in a mere matter of seconds. On a brighter note there were many heroes that day. People who did everything they could to comfort and care for the victims. There were many in the chaos who demonstrated the good side of humanity. Thanks!
Enough ranting. On this rainy Saturday I'm cutting out dresses, skirts and rompers to work on next week. Looking forward to snacking on a pot of vegetable soup made by my husband. (Isn't he a dear!) And watching an old movie or two. Along that line I finally watched "Julie and Julia" after the holidays. Now I've finished the book. Really, really enjoyed it. Sometimes it made me very hungry, but more often left me in horrified awe over the lengths Julie had to go to in order to make the recipes. Really hack sawing bone to get the marrow. Or the killing of the lobsters. Left me being very thankful for supermarkets and fine restaurants!!! And that pot of soup. Yum.
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