Below is part of the gang at the birthday dinner. What great fun it was to decorate old time style with lots of crepe paper and balloons.

Here is birthday boy Hudson. 5 years old. He thought the decorations were marvelous. Thank you, Papap and Uncle Ty. Remember how exciting birthdays were when you were 5!!!
I don't know about other families, but it seems that when we are together my family spends most of their time planning what to cook, cooking or eating what we've cooked. This means numerous trips to the grocery store. (The local HEB must show a huge increase in sales. I imagine the executives crowded around the revenue charts saying, "Ah yes, we see by the jump in sales, the Skrosses must be having another family gathering.)
And then a lot of time spent cleaning the kitchen. It's the neverending job. Below Ty and Allyson try to make some order out of the chaos.

"planning what to cook, cooking or eating what we've cooked. This means numerous trips to the grocery store"
sounds just like my family!
it really doesn't get much better than that, does it...just bein' together...
You're so right, Bev. Love being together.
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