Thursday, July 29, 2010

In a Hurry

I still will feature some more blogs that have given me food for thought.

I just keep running out of time. Bear with me.

In the meantime take a peek at news at and atmagnoliasend. Then maybe you all can write your thoughts.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blogs for Thought

This week 3 very different bloggers have given me food for thought. First, just for some fun, Jane of Seven of discusses favorite films, especially the ones she, family and friends use as deal breakers. You know, the ones that are tests to see if the new people in your life are on the same wave length as you. The ones that if someone does not like them, you look at that person differently. Read her blog she puts it so much better than I.

So here is my list. I put it out in no particular order but with the hope you maybe can connect with one or two. Or let me know what your favorites are.
1. Shirley Valentine - as a woman growing up in the beginnings of the woman's movement this film holds special relevance for me. The story of finding courage to change and love held me in thrall - oh the possibilities!

2. The Commitments - Irish soul. Magnificent sound track!

3. A Chorus Line - not sure why I love this but everytime I see it is playing on TV I find myself sinking into the story and dance. Hold onto the dream!

4. Little Women (1949) - this was the first movie I remember seeing. I fell in love with the characters, Meg, boyish Jo, gentle Beth and Amy. What a strong cast it had. Elizabeth Taylor, June Allyson, Janet Leigh, Margaret O"Brien and Peter Lawford. It's, also, good fun to watch the 1933 version with Katherine Hepburn as Jo. Alternately, I read all of Louisa May Alcott's books over and over when I was 8 and up. This was my first look at the possibilities for young women. I could be a teacher, a writer , a mother, and a wife. I could have it all!

5. Gone with the Wind - hokey, maudlin and a good cry.

6. To Kill a Mockingbird - eloquent and still relevant.

7. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - don't we all remember a teacher like Ben Stein's character? Silly but filled with authentic coming of age moments and dreams.

There are so many more - Pink Panther, most of the Monty Python movies, ET. and Saving Private Ryan. I could go on and on.

So what movies are special for you?

I've run out of time for today so will write about other blogs tomorrow.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mama D and Me

Life is always full of opportunity. So last week I went and knocked on its door. Mama D's is a local handmade business. They make wonderful purses, diaper bags, burp cloths and more. As they like to say - they are accesorizing babies and mamas everywhere.

I've been aware of them since doing the First Baptist Christmas Spectacular together last year. They caught my eye with their flair for putting patterns and colors together and their workmanship. (Is that not right up my alley?) Mama D's is a mother, Joan, and daughter, Jennifer, business. Last year they opened a small retail space in a little red historic house here in Georgetown at 407 W University Ave. They also do lots of shows. They generously have accepted me to share their retail space and some of the shows.

This weekend we're doing The Peddler Show in Cedar Park. It starts Friday at 3-8 and runs Sat 9-6 and Sun 11-4. It will be great fun working with Mama D's. I can't wait to meet all the customers. Annarella Girl will have dresses, tops and skirts as well as an assortment of fabric headbands and embellished leggings. Log on the Peddler Show website for a coupon for discounted admission.
Enjoy a couple more bags from Mama D's etsy shop. As cute as they are in pictures, wait until you see them in person!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shop Talk

Here are pics of Nikki's first, completely made by her, reversible headband. It turned out very well. After several tries at different sizes and elastics, she and I like this the best for comfort and style.

This weekend I'll be at the Peddlar show in Cedar Park where I'll be sharing space with Mama D's. (There's more to the story of cooperation with Mama D's. Will post about it later.) I'll be selling some of these cute headbands. I'm excited to see what reaction I get!! And, of course, I'll have dresses and skirts for sale.
Click on link above for info and directions to Cedar Park Center. Show is open Friday, July 23 3-8pm, Sat 9-6, and Sun 11-4. Pick up your free pass on the Peddler website.
See you this weekend!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Family Fun

It was family week at my house last week. Yeah!!! The youngest son with his wife made the loong drive from Bloomington, Indiana to spend time with us. My daughter and her 3 children came from Houston for 2, too short, days. And the group from Georgeown spent lots of time at our house blowing bubbles (see previous post) and romping on the water slide. With so much family around (we missed you, Joey.) we got to celebrate 2 July birthdays and an anniversary.
Below is part of the gang at the birthday dinner. What great fun it was to decorate old time style with lots of crepe paper and balloons.

Here is birthday boy Hudson. 5 years old. He thought the decorations were marvelous. Thank you, Papap and Uncle Ty. Remember how exciting birthdays were when you were 5!!!

Below Allyson also celebrated both a birthday and the 3rd anniversary married to Ty. She was such a good sport about sharing all the excitement with Hudson. She and Ty did get a grownup day in Austin with shopping and a meal for two.

I don't know about other families, but it seems that when we are together my family spends most of their time planning what to cook, cooking or eating what we've cooked. This means numerous trips to the grocery store. (The local HEB must show a huge increase in sales. I imagine the executives crowded around the revenue charts saying, "Ah yes, we see by the jump in sales, the Skrosses must be having another family gathering.)
And then a lot of time spent cleaning the kitchen. It's the neverending job. Below Ty and Allyson try to make some order out of the chaos.

We all had a great time! I can never get enough of being with all of them - children and grandchildren. They are all awesome!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Design

Trying to learn how to create a collage for my header. This is my first try. Not bad, but I need to get dandelions out of the way. And probably try a new color for words.

Thanks to all you facebook fellow flyers who posted in the basic tips section. On your advice I used picnik which was fairly easy for the computer challenged me!

I'm going to be tweaking over the next week. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bubble Fun

Remember blowing bubblies with a simple plastic wand? Summer fun!!

Concentration brings the colorful results.

Here Jack and Ryann are learning that slow and steady makes the best bubbles. of summer's simple pleasures. (Aren't they something wonderful to see? The kids, I mean.)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yesterday while I was working at The Exchange I had 2 dresses shoplifted. How sad!! And a bit angering!! Why does someone think it is okay to take, without paying, goods from a store? Now, we're not talking necessities here. You can get a lot of cute kids clothes at The Exchange for very little cost. Even though they are second-hand, the clothes are in excellent condition. If they needed clothes, there were ones to be had for $5 or $6.

So I can only assume that someone really liked the Annarella Girl dresses but didn't think they had to pay what everyone else does. I try very hard to keep my prices reasonable while keeping the quality of the workmanship very high. But I know they are not cheap. They don't look cheap, they don't wear cheap. I'm asking a fair price for my garments. I'm sorry that someone felt it was okay not to pay me for my ideas and craft. To steal from me.

Although I wish I were not, I am angry and hurt. I can't afford losses like this. Right now every cent I make is going right back into the business as I'm trying to take it to the next level. I left the store feeling very discouraged and asking myself whether it was worth the risk of theft to keep them on display. Working by one's self, for one's self tends to lead to feelings of vulnerability. Incidences when someone does not value your work heaps more vulnerability on top. I hope that the thief doesn't steal from anybody else. I wish the thief would realize how it effects the victim.

I don't have bad feelings for the stolen dress recipient. When the little girl who receives the stolen dress wears it, I hope she loves it. I hope it makes her feel pretty. For if a person feels pretty inside, I don't think they will commit such an ugly act as theft and hurt someone. So fly, little girl, in your Annarella Girl dress as you should.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Is Summer Over Yet?

In the workroom, summer is moving into fall. Can you believe it? Slowly (and I emphasis that word since I have many distractions) I'm developing the dresses and skirts for fall and winter.

Mrs. Cie of Fonda Photography and mother of this sweet Annarella Girl inquired this AM what fall dresses I was working on. So I decided you all needed an update. So I'm posting some pics of the samples I've got so far. A few, as noted, are in my etsy shop. and available now. Some are still experimental. Thanks, Mrs Cie for the interest. Check out her beautiful photography by clicking on link.

I love this yellow fabric with the black and red birds. Have you noticed how birds are everywhere in prints? I think it makes a great apron dress. I haven't decided how else I'll use it. And wait until you see a cool owl on black fabric I haven't used yet.

Pink is always popular all year long. Love it with brown. Another dress which spans the seasons well. I'll be posting this on my etsy shop shortly. Its a size 6-12 mos.

Black, green with splashes of pinks. (This is already posted in my etsy shop.) Gorgeous! I love mixing black into the smaller sizes. Its a sophisticated color which plays well with toddlers and is a welcome break from the pastels. You could use soooo many colors, pink, black, white, green, for shirts or leggings to wear with this come cool weather. (Yes, someday it will come.)

Last for today, just a teaser of this dress. Black, beige and red. Will look great for the holidays, but not so specific that your girl wouldn't love wearing it all year long. Shown in a size 7.

I hope you've enjoyed this preview. Seems like the fall/winter line is going slow, but I'm still working on summer to fill out the inventory which is selling. Plus my lovely assistants are learning and in next couple of weeks will be up to speed.

While you're looking at lovely photos, see what Sarah Havard is upto. Remember she took my publicity shots. Her logo is in my header and there is a link in the sidebar under favorite artists.

Have a great day. We're expecting rain. Good for the garden, but bad for the drivers. Be safe.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Noisy, colorful, lively

Found this wondeful quote on the blog of the Vintage Flea. No suprise it spoke to my Annarella Girl side.

"If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy and colorful and lively." Mel Brooks

My "girls" are athletic, giggly and curious, certainly not sedate. They love jumping on a trampoline, turning cartwheels and chasing fire flies. These are my muses - who I design for. Love the picture atop my blog where they're walking (almost skipping) down the street sharing secrets and laughter.

And two sisters dancing on the sofa. It makes me smile.

When we no longer could climb trees or dance on the sofa, what did we grow up to be? Lively!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy B'day, America

Getting ready for the 4th of July? What a lovely girl in her flag dress! If you look real close you can glimpse her sister with brown boots. They were so cute in these dresses.
Usually we celebrate with family coming for the weekend, but this year hubs and I will be on our own. Hope he will make his fabulous ribs anyway. I would love to have them as leftovers all week long. What foods do you have for the 4th? Any favorites?
And fireworks. Is anybody out there as crazy about fireworks as I am? Our community here always puts on a good show. (Weatherpeople are predicting rain for the 4th. Hope they are wrong.) And I've been lucky enough to see some spectacular shows all over the place. Special memories about fireworks over Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Double the color and sparkle when they are reflected by water. And the same reflections in shiny buildings like in Buckhead, Georgia where they fired into the sky and were reflected on 3 sides in the mirrored office buildings. Both places were real "ooh, ahh" displays.
Hope all of you have wondeful weekends filled with family and fun.
PS. My apologies for a post I made on the ecourse which was missing words here and there. I guess my computer was sleepy. Hope it made some sort of sense anyway.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer New

Hi everyone,

No angst today, no philosophising, and no talk about where and how to grow my business. Today I invite you to take a peek in my workroom at a couple of dresses we're working on.

Love the purple and greens accented with a vivid aqua. Reminds me of the colors in summer gardens. On a rainy day these colors and pattterns are a picnic for my eyes. Imagine a girl in a summer meadow picking wild flowers and grasses to give to her grammy. Ahhhh.

This is a little bit darker palette but still summery with warm pinks and grass green. I can imagine with a black tee on a cooler evening. Since we are nearing the 4th of July, my imaginary girl model is running around with a sparkler laughing with sheer delight. Yayyyy.

Can you tell that I'm still playing with paper dolls in my imagination?