Slowly but surely I'm getting done those small but distasteful tasks that I've put off for months. It feels so good. Like cleaning out the junk drawer in the kitchen. For said months the tasks have been clinking around in my brain. Always gnawing at the side of my subconcious. Making me restless and unfocused. My inner voice says "take care of it tomorrow." (Why do I listen to that voice?) Well, I think I just took care of the last one, and the chattering has stopped. The calm is wonderful.
Why do we punish ourselves by putting off these small chores? Are there folks out there who don't postpone them? (Bet you don't have a junk drawer either.) If you're one of those, share with the rest of us your secret to keeping up with your life.
For today I'll enjoy the feeling of tranquility. I'm pretty sure I'll fall back into procrastination tomorrow.
Meantime look at this great new combination of fabrics. I've been waiting to find these shades of lime and chartreuse for months. So happy!!! Please enjoy.
I absolutely ADORE how you put colors together! Well done from a fellow flyer, Robin
I do know what you mean about that calm... it's such a relief to get rid of those piles. Beautiful patterns, beautiful work!!!
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