Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I Am Enough
Stop here for a poem that spoke to me from Jen Lomen. Her inadequacies are mine. What an inspiration..
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Why of It

Sunday, June 27, 2010
If anyone wants to make suggestions, please do. Any help or direction is sooo appreciated. (Designing and consructing a dress is a piece of cake compared to this computer stuff.)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Baby Steps

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
On the Balance Beam

In a lesson yesterday from Flying Lessons, the ecourse by Kelly Rae Roberts she talked about balance in the creative life. First she shared this thought.
Whew! All my life I thought I had to hsve sll the parts of my being in balance - time for family, time for housework, time for friends and time to create. I spent sooo much energy trying to keep the teeter totter level. (Remember how much it smarted when your butt went crashing to the ground?)
Finally, here is someone telling me it's okay to be unbalanced. It's natural when you are in the creative whirlwind to want to shut out the rest of the world, to concentrate on your art. I needed to hear this. I suffer guilt pangs when I have to tell my family, "leave me alone."
I wonder who am I to give my craft so much attention. (After all I'm not making a lot of money.)But there are times when I'm compelled to create. I wake with an urgency to get to my workroom, to try a new fabric combination or work on a new design. I grab a cup of coffee and am gone, not physically but mentally, for days. When I surface I'm exhausted but happy. And if interrupted by a whine or chore (You say you want clean clothes this week?) watch out, here comes the witch.
There is little balance when the creative juices are flowing. I feel energetic and joyful. Can it be bad to feel so good?
Thanks, Kelly, for telling me this is normal and part of the creative life. Rather than searching for better balance, I'll try to be better at communicating my needs for crative space to all in my life.
I'm jumping off the balance beam.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Design and Color; Oh My, Oh My

I'm awash in color. My eyes leap from one pattern to another. Almost so many choices I am don't know where to start. Shades of pink? or green? or lavendar?

I'm excited as I see a fall/winter line emerge with its jewel tones. Won't they look great over leggings? or skinny pants? or turtlenecks (for those in the colder climates) or long sleeve tees?
Monday, June 21, 2010
That Summer Feeling
On this the first day of summer, it seems appropriate to invite all of you to the new exhibit at the Davis Gallery in Austin for a group show which includes 2 of my favorite artists, Laurel Daniel and Christopher St Leger.

One of my favorite landscape artists, Laurel Daniel is noted for capturing the mood of place with her use of light. I am always drawn in to her pieces like the one above because it is so tranquil with the hanging towels but speaks to the fun in the sun had before. As with many artists she tells a whole story in this one scene. I'm transported to my favorite tropical isle and memories of beach fun. Ahhh...Summer dreams!
pontiac by Christopher St Leger
Christopher St Leger is an extraordinary watercolorist. Look at the vitality and movement in his portrait of a skateboarder. He takes what is traditionally a gentle, often insipid, medium and uses it with vigor. His vibrant color palettes add life in his scenes of the streets. A brilliant artist!!!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Grammy Summer Camp
There's so much to learn with my ecourse, Flying Lessons, with Kelly Rae Roberts. Each night after the kids are in bed and I'm waiting for them to settle down, I've been reading and dreaming. Since I'm a neophyte at the technical points for blogs, websites, facebook etc, I have to read and reread. I'm determined to make better use of the social network to grow my business despite it being a slow process. Do you like the new look of the blog? More changes to come.
Then there is just my usual business. I've had some special orders to fulfill and get out. Plus my inventory is low. Next week all will be quiet here, so I should get a lot done.
All have a good weekend. Happy Father's Day to all the men in my life. I've been fortunate to know some fantastic Dads!! Love and admiration to all of them.
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010
It Feels So Good

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Me and My Blog

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I'm Flying

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010
Aging, Not So Gracefully

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Pretty Pictures

Such pretty pictures from Fonda Photography of Iowa. This is her daughter wearing an Annarella Girl top as a short summer dress. She sure looks cute and cool!
Check out the website http://www.fondaphotography.com/ . Mrs. Cie is a wife, mom, artist and photographer. Her shots are colorful amd natural, like these above. There are so many wonderful photos on her website. I'm proud that she liked a top from Annarella Girl for her daughter - artist to artist.