Had a fun Sunday. Photographer, Sarah Havard, did some new promotional shots for Annarella Girl. The girls were beautiful and so good. This is a peek of them waiting for instructions. Despite the wind and slight chill there was not a complaint between them. Soon I'll have some of the shots to show you. In the meantime take a look at Sarah's website. She is very talented!!!! I'm so pleased to have photographing my clothes.
Good news for The Exchange, Angie and Carly are now accepting kids clothes. The children's section will open in 2 weeks. They've done so well with the adult clothing - keeping quality high and pricing low. So go through the closets for your kids outgrown clothes. As long as they are clean - no stains, in good repair - no rips or missing buttons, and good brands, bring them in Monday, Wednesday or Friday to consign them.
I will still have a small section of Annarella Girl in the atrium. Stop in anytime to see all my new things!
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