Yesterday I had the pleasure of working at the Exchange. The owners, Angie and Carli, were spending their day at a women's retreat. Don't you think that every once in a while we need to take time to breath an enjoy the company of other women without the distractions of everyday life? I was happy to give them the opportunity to take such a break.
Working with me was Lauryl. She's one of those special people that is just a joy to be around. Always optimistic. Very caring. And a great sense of humor. She's fun to work with and fun to watch work. So I realize that I wasn't making a much of a sacrifice to stand in for Angie and Carli. It was really a good deed for me!
And it was a good day. Lots of nice customers came in. They really enjoy shopping at the Exchange. Since it is a consignment store, it provides a guilt-free experience. After all we're helping the environment by recycling while saving money with the great pricing. Plus the inventory is constantly changing as it is dependent on what the consignors bring in. Inventory changes daily.
One customer, yesterday, was excited to find some skirts and pants that were petite. Another found 4 suits for work and only paid $80. One suit still had original tags so had never been worn. (A & C are very careful of the quality of the items they accept - must be clean, unflawed and stylish.) I fell in love with a red Brighton bag for only $44. Several girls came in to look and try on prom dresses. Lauryl and I helped women find the perfect flirty shoes, jewelry to complement outfits and handbags for special or everyday.
If you haven't made a stop at The Echange at Annarella in Georgetown, go for a rewarding and fun shopping experience. By the way they do have men's clothing and vintage. They occupy the space where Annarella was, hence the name, 800 S Austin Ave downtown Georgetown next to the Palace Theater.
And don't forget to check out the sale racks - up to 75% off. Now that is really guilt-free!!!
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