Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Ta Dum
Sunday, August 28, 2011
If a tree falls...?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Long Weekend
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Records s s s s s s

I'm fantasizing that I'm at the beach - any one will do - with my chair on the edge of the water so the waves creep over my toes and then run away. Smell the salty sea breeze. Watch the lacy froth swirling around me. Heavenly!
Well, a girl can dream, can't she?
Monday, August 22, 2011
Corduroy Colors
This black and white houndstooth corduroy was used in my first sample. Look two or 3 posts back to see it on Ava for its trial run. Next jumper will use this fabric and accent it with a deep pink. Little girls love pinks.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Coloring Outside the Lines
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Project Runway
This is season 9. The designers are, as always, quirky and bitchy, but this batch seem very talented. As they judges eliminate the weakest, there are 5 or 6 who are very strong contenders. It should be a fun season.
If you've missed the start of Project Runway, you can see episodes at this link. Its good reality TV. (I know many of you think that is an oxymoron.)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Birth of a New Design II
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Birth of a New Design
UPDATE. An hour later and the photos are available. Hooray and off I go.
I've been drooling over the new print corduroys that have been around for a couple of years. Yes, I'm slow. Wasn't sure how I wanted to use them. After my print explosion of last week, an idea began to nibble in my mind. I wanted a garment which had a bit less mix of color and print, but I didn't want to lose the funkiness and boldness completely. I think I am on the road to a new design. Let me know what you think.
Here is my first try. I love the white and black houndstooth patterned corduroy. I've used it in cotton 2-3 years ago. So I drew up an idea of a jumper, (I'm so bad as a sketcher!), with the corduroy used for the skirt. Made my notes for size of pattern pieces. Then it's onto accent fabric choices.
After I pull a bunch of cotton print fabrics from my stash, I arrange them around my base corduroy. In this case I begin to eliminate what does not give me the splash of color that I'm looking for against the black and white. Just two pops of brightness in bodice and ruffle. (I'm still thinking about a pocket.)
Here is the finished jumper. I have a shirt and leggings hanging with it all ready to take to Mama Ds house for her daughter,Ava, to try on. This is the final check to see if I have the proportions between straps, bodice, skirt and ruffle pleasing. Also feedback on the ease of putting on and wearing. Will it be comfortable to sit in, run in twirl in? Will Ava think it is fun but beautiful?
I'll be back tomorrow with more photos and some answers to my questions. I hope?
Monday, August 15, 2011
Good Things
I found it thought provoking. Among my early experiences was a year my family spent living in a small town in Alabama. At the impressionable age of 12 I was very aware of the "separate but equal education" policy. It was so obvious that the "colored" schools did not have the funding of the "white" school. When we went to the movies, there was a separate section for "colored." It didn't make sense to me. Everything was separate, but certainly not equal.
I thought "The Help" did capture this mentality very well. Those who needed to feel superior to those that looked different from them. The growing fear of losing their sequestered white world
as the seeds of integration were given light. Rabid fear which drove folks into doing, supporting foolish policies and practices. (With not a big jump I could trace an analogy to the present day political climate, but I won't beat you over the head with my words. I trust many of you see what I see.)
We've come a long way from the days of segregation, but there is still much progress to make. We all need to get better at accepting and respecting those who look different from us, worship differently from us, live differently from us. We have much to learn from each other, but we must have open minds and listen. There are worthy ideas on each side of the issues, and we need to use our energies to mesh these ideas into solutions for the problems we face instead of fighting with each other.
Well, I didn't really mean to be so preachy on this Monday morning, but The Help while entertaining does lead to some healthy discussion. Go see it.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Help Me, Tim Gunn
When I'm building a dress, I play with the placement of fabrics trying to achieve a balance of color and print that pleases my eyes. Sometimes I'm very successful such as the red, black and yellow dress I posted earlier in the week. By successful I mean it makes me smile. But, for the last 2 days I've been struggling with a combination that just doesn't seem right even though on the table it flowed. In completion it looks like Little House on the Prairie has collided with Roseanna Danna.
As the dress emerged in the sewing machine, I slowly realized that it just wasn't what I had visualized on the cutting table. So I conjourned up Tim Gunn and tried to "make it work." Now I'm finished and teetering between love and hate.
It happens sometimes. A project begins in optimism and slinks into disappointment. Perhaps I need some distance from the dress. At times the artist holds his intent and inward vision so close, he can only be disappointed with the finished piece when it is not true to said vision. But after a little time has passed, and he has let go of the original plan, he can see with new found objectivity the beauy and validity of the offending piece. Occasionally the piece even becomes inspiration for a new direction.
So I hang the new dress on the door waiting to be photographed. Not sure if I will come to admire it. Or if it will come to make me smile. Any more words of wisdom, Tim?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Back to School
Monday, August 8, 2011
Hot, Hot, Hot
Last weekend we broke the record for consecutive days in the 100s. And there is no end in sight. Our next record attempt.... the most days, not consecutive, in a summer for being in the 100s is 69. We are now at 53. Do you think we'll reach it? The weather people say that nothing short of a miracle or hurricane will keep Austin from breaking that record. (And when it comes to hurricanes we must be very careful what we wish for.)
So how am I coping? As few clothes as possible. Not a pretty picture. lol The dog and I walk about 7 in the morning when its about 80. The downside is that the humidity is brutal. I start out with straight hair and come back with a curly mop. Not my best look, but my fellow bikers, joggers and dog walkers are blinded by the sweat dripping into their eyes and don't seem to notice my locks. Butler, the dog, is just happy to be out sniffing and smelling, watering all the lamp posts that he doesn't care how my coif looks.
Do I miss living in the North? Well, noone has had a cool summer. As much as I might complain about our summer, I'm grateful not to have to battle sub-zero temps, dirty snow, icy steps and sidewalks. Give me the heat. And forgive me for the touch of pride as we survive this record breaking season.
PS Have you noticed that there are not many jokes about global warming right now? It doesn't seem as comical an idea when the temps are 100+.
Enjoy the new apron dress and romper I finished last week. (I promise no sweat stains are on them. lol)
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
For the Ages
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Family Talent
This morning my daughter-in-law, Pamela, has launched a new website featuring her interior design business Annarella Home. Yes, she was my partner in the store, Annarella. All the interior design, accessories and furniture were her speciality. She loved clean lines, durability and classic enduring pieces in the interiors she created. Since the store, Annarella, has closed she's been quietly building her business through word of mouth from satisfied customers. Now she is ready to grow and share her talents through this new website.

The pictures are beautiful!! I love her sensibility - tranquil and serene with an emphasis on functionality and livability. Each room is a jewel, spotlighting color and texture. Her designs are not stiff or stuffy. I always have the feeling being comfortable in her spaces.

Monday, August 1, 2011
Monday Likes
A bit of good news this Monday. Tyson Skross sent out a link to a site that has accepted his work. White Columns. This is a site that features artists of note who are currently unrepresented by a New York gallery. He is in some very good company. He is also currently in a new exhibition at the Saratoga Art Center. So good things are happening to a good artist.
And speaking of good artists, Allyson Smith has updated her website with some new work. Check it out. . She is slyly whimsical with a lightness of spirit which speaks to me. I love her new direction.
I hope you all are having a like Monday. Back to the sewing machine for me, but I'm smiling all the way.