Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year

After a grand Christmas with family, I'm back feeling refreshed and energetic. I have most of my spring and summer fabrics. Now I'm playing with various combinations. As I work my way through new pallettes, I'l be frequently giving you a snapshot of what I'm doing. You know I love to share. (See above, size 2 sundress in a mix of new and old.)

Business wise, my goals for the next 4 months have been made. Count down with me as I build inventory. Also I plan to start a newsletter for Mama D's and me. Want to receive it, send email address to

Personally, I continue on my quest to be healthy. Less food and more activity. (Dull, but effective.) My dog died in early Dec and since then I'm more sedentary. Not good. How about water aerobics? Push me, prod me to put some plan in effect!
Goals, not resolutions. Last year I did pretty well on accomplishing my goals. Some how using the g word is so much better for me. I moved along in my business. Focused on slow, steady growth. I don't think I can handle explosive growth and its challenges. I'm more a tortoise than a hare! I want to try some new shows this year, bigger and better suited to the handcrafter. But don't worry I'll be back at the Wilmington Flower Market in May and FBC Christmas Spectacular in Nov. As I firm up the rest of my show schedule, I'll let you know.
Enough rambling today. I'll be back more frequently in January. Meanwhile have a happy new year. I just know 2011 is going to be great!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Holiday Hiatus

For the first time in 10 years, I am facing a calm December. When one works in retail, the month of December is the busiest time of the year. But this year I've finished my scheduled shows, caught up with all my special orders, and now I'm free. So I'm taking a week to join 2 long, long time friends in Naples, Florida. Wahoo! a girls week of relaxation, good talk and doing nothing special. Sounds great to me.

These friends are the ones that know me at my ugliest and still cradle me in love and understanding. They've seen me at my skinniest to my fattest. They've listened to my deepest fears and shared my highest joys. Friends like this are rare because it takes years of shared moments to create such a trust and acceptance. A week together will be a rare treat. As you can tell I'm really, really looking forward to this.

Sadly we'll be missing one friend of our original quartet, she is busy elsewhere; but we'll be thinking of her while we share reminiscences, glasses of wine, new adventures, movies and beach time. See you next time, Norma.

Posts for the next month will be sparse. I'll be more regular come January.