Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Busy, busy

Forgive me for the lack of posting. Everyday I think I'll get to it "this afternoon," but then I don't. I've got some pictures to share, thoughts to express. etc. I'll get to all of them in time - after Memorial Day. From now until then I have some business tasks, a little sewing and lots of family activities.

Have a good holiday weekend. See you all next week!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Flower Market Revisited

Meet Ellie. That's right, this young lady shares my name. Her grandmother bought her a dress but couldn't find a hairband she liked. So she returned on Saturday for a day of fun and picked up a headband I made especially for her. I love her painted face. She is a new favorite of mine! So like an Annarella Girl - quiet in demeanor, but a penchant for wild colors!!!

It has come to my attention that some mothers are hanging the dresses in the closet to save for a special occasion. Please don't. These garments wash and dry well. I create them with the hope that they will be loved by the girls and worn often. So take them out of the closet. They need to dance, swing, hang upside down and twirl with each Annarella girl.

The response of you all at the Market was remarkable. I can't say it often enough...you made me feel so loved with your appreciation of the dresses, tops with leggings, rompers, skirts etc. For an artisan who works in solitude wondering if the images in the head are being translated truthfully by the hands, your smiles and comments affirmed that I am on the right path!!! Thanks, thanks, thanks.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Great Time

The Wilmington Flower Market was wonderful. I just loved seeing old friends with growing kids, and soooo many new moms and grandmoms. The girls were all so beautiful as you will see in upcoming posts. Temporarily I am computer challenged but will be able to download some shots next week. And weren't we lucky with the weather - beautiful, sunny, warm days.

I have to shout out a big thanks to all the volunteers that worked so hard to take good care of us, vendors. They are a big reason I love doing this show. See you all in 2011.

Now the husband and I face a long ride back to Georgetown. It will give me plenty of time to start making plans for fall and winter. I will keep tweaking the designs I have. I got good feedback on everything I had. A special treat was to get a long talk with my niece, Jessica. She has worked in retail, wholesale and manufacturing. Her thoughts and insights give me lots to think about. I'm excited about some ideas we discussed. More later after I let my brain percolate.

I'll be back in the groove next week! Talk to you all then!!!