Friday, February 26, 2010
Seven Smiles

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
What a Difference a Day Makes

Warm Sunday. Jack and Hudson, 2 of my handsome grandsons, enjoy the short sleeve weather while riding scooters in my driveway. The temperatures are in the 70's. Got to love living where the sun shines like this in February!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Now for a Commercial Break

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Hanging around the Workroom

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Grace Has Nothing to Do with It

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
In Pursuit of Excellence

Friday, February 12, 2010
Here Comes the Weekend!

Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Flying Tomato

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Dream a Little Dream

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Screaming to be Heard

Monday, February 8, 2010
Birthday Month

Sophie is the tall one with all those luscious curls. And here we have Ivy eating apple pie, her favorite dessert!!
Indulge me while I share a poem I wrote when Sophie was a toddler and Ivy was about to be born. Although not great literature, I hope it expresses my wonderment and joy I.ve found in all my grandchildren.
I never believed in fairies but I wanted to
In the shadowed corner of a stone porch my whispering sister stole the secret of Santa, the Easter Bunny and all things magical from me.
Witnessed: miracle of my beautiful daughter from my body Witnessed: miracle of my beautiful granddaughter from her body
Now I have unabashed faith in fairies. Can there be any other explanation for these mysticall creatures who now visit my spirit's garden?
Winged wonders flitting through my life brightening my soul with each touch of their sparkly wands stunning with their magic dust fallout of splendor that fertilizes the love hidden in every rocky cleft, thorned bush and uncurled frond of my being
Happy Birthdays to all of you!!!!!
(How come line and word spacings are different drom what I do and then what is posted?)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Good News

His Dad and I are so proud of him. Glad that all that model building when he was growing up has paid off. He is so talented!!!
Follow this link to see more of his work.http://www.tysonskross.com/New_work.html.
Read more about the Efroymson Family Fund on Ty's blog. http://tysonskross.com/pblog/comments.php?y=09&m=12&entry=entry091202-130302
And some more good news. Nikki is improving and has her sights on going home soon. She is spunky!!!
Everyone have a good weekend. I'll be at the Exchange this evening for First Friday with some of my new Annarella Girl clothes. Drop by and say hi!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pajama Day

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Her parents are in the worst nightmare imagineable. I can't begin to imagine how they are feeling or what they are thinking. No one should have to watch their child lie in ICU with machines attached. Cherie and Michael have handled this latest medical emergency with an unbelieveable grace as they have handled every up and down in the last 3 years. They have fought to get the best treament for Nikki. They have been gracious to all the wellwishers even when they are at their most tired. They have remained determined to live a life with more smiles than tears.
They have a multitude of friends who all feel the same. "If we knew how to take away some of their pain, we would. If we could take on Nikki's cancer, we would." But often it is a lonely battle for Cherie, Michael and Nikki. Know that we carry you in our hearts and minds; we are in awe of your courage and will; we look forward to seeing that great Nikki smile soon.
Get well, Nikki!!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Time to Get in Shape
For those of you who have the 10-20-30 pounds to say goodbye to, there is some help on the market. Core 4. According to friends and family who are using it, it is an easy, organic product. Check out the web site to find out more or contact Pamela for information. pskross at yahoo.com.
We owe it to ourselves to be healthy!! We need energy to live our best lives. See you all at the pool soon.