Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spring Fecer

For the last week I've been in a very peculiar mood. I couldn't concentrate on any task. Even though I would start each morning with a full-to-do list by midday I seemed to lose my motivation. Finally today i realized what is going on. I have a giant case of SPRING FEVER.

It hasn't hit me like this since my college days at the University of Delaware in Newark. When spring would hit around the time for mid-term exams and papers, and instead of buckling down at the libary to do research i'd find myself wandering down the Mall with an ice cream cone in hand just breathing in the fresh air. Revelling in the greens of spring and the sound of fellow students laughing at play with a frisbee or football.
We've had a little rain so the new grass is coming up. A few of the trees have started flowering. Our days have been in the 80's. And I don't want to do any of those things that I am suppose to be doing. Yes, this is a classic case of spring fever.
Spring Fever -definition- a listless, lazy or restless feeling associated with the beginning of spring.

So forgive my absence for the rest of today, I'm off to play.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Catching Up Part 2

Tyson Skross has added some new work to his website.

Although still working in landscapes the mix of abstract and realism is striking. Here we see a striking contrast, perhaps conflict, between soft shapes and stark colors. There is so much to absorb that we see more each time we look. Is it a cityscape? Are we on mountains looking down? Is he playing with us? Perhaps daring us to look at the world from a different angle?again realism is playing off against the abstract. Are the craggy mountains in the cube or are they seen through a rip in the universe?More mountains. here he plays with the perspective. The distant is clear but we question just what is the foreground. Bright in the far and dark in the near. We could be going under the earth or into some ruins. Our eye is unsettled by the pull of light and dark, foreground and background. And it seems to be very purposeful. What do you think?

I'm having fun returning over and over to this new work. Questioning myself and my perceptions. Tyson is pushing me to expand my eyes. I think I can hear him softly chuckling as I try to make sense out of his sensibilities.

Check out the rest of his new works and how it compares to his previous pieces. Read his new statement which is in the "words" section of his website and talks about these new pieces. Let me know what you think.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Catching Up

It's been a busy week, so I've neglected all of my blog friends. Sorry. So I'll catch you up on a few of the doings.

First, there's been a lot of talk about a bill being introduced in the Texas legislature. As I understand it they are trying to tighten the restrictions for designers working on commercial projects by allowing only licensed interior designers for a commercial project. For a long time there has been a bit of friction between interior designers and decorators. In order to call oneself an interior designer, one must have a degree and state license which is renewed each year. They are qualified to work on projects that include changing walls, electrical, etc. A decorator is not licensed and can work on space planning, color ways, furniture placement etc. Typically an interior designer charges slightly more than a decorator because of the higher level of education. But a license does not necessarily make one a good designer when it comes to the aesthetics of a room. The emotional feel of a room is often from the color palette, type and style of furniture and its placement, the judicious use of accessories, window treatments and floor coverings.

Locally there has always been a peace between the two camps. We are careful not to refer to Pamela as an interior designer. She is a decorator with 14 years of experience. She is quite happy to leave any structural changes that a client wants in the hands of an architect and she has worked with many of the local builders and architects to incorporate her client's needs and wants. Her forte is in listening to a client and helping them get the home that function well for them and be aesthetically pleasing. She wants a client to enjoy going into the spaces they have worked on together. She is good at this and has many satisfied customers.

To change the law may be fixing a problem which is not there. (And we all know that can just create a whole bunch of new problems.) Keep the distinction between interior designers and decorators as it is now. Punish anyone who claims to be an interior designer but is not licensed. But allow a decorator to work with architects as a consultant for chosing fixtures, flooring, colors, placement of electrical outlets etc. Don't stand in the way of a decorator from working with the aesthetics of homes. There is a need for both of them in the world of design.

On a final note, at Annarella Home we encourage potential clients to ask for references and talk to people who have used Pamela for their design projects. We are proud of her talents and think she is special. She doesn't want to have to go through the licensing process because she doesn't want to know how to move walls. She would rather leave that to the architect. Her passion lies with the furniture, colors and textures of fabrics, the challenge of space planning, and accessorizing to create a mood.
See picture below for an example of what she can do.

If I have mispoke about the intent of the bill, it is my fault and lack of understanding, not Pamela's or anyone else. Feel free to set me straight.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Give Yourself a gift this weekend

Check in with some of my favorite blogs this weekend.

Seven Of is on a real roll with a blog about practices. And before that one about the sayings of Dolly Parton. These are smart, clever and thoughtful. The world is a better place for her sassiness and the reminders from amy and Jane.

For a gift of sheer beauty click over to Laurel Daniel's blog. Check out her new small works section. The perfect Valentine Day gift is awaiting.

Have a great weekend. If you're in Georgetown stop in and say Hi!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Seeing Red

In honor of Valentine's Day, here is a mix of red things which made me smile. Small or large, possible or impossible, red is a happy color. Enjoy!
Glassy Baby Votive, "Happiness."Japanese teapot.BMW convertible.

Wholesale...a lot to think about

Today I was just cruising down the internet highway when this post caught my eye. It is some advice on how to wholesale from the potter Whitney Smith of the blog, This Artist's Life. She always has some interesting thoughts to share with other artists. (I want to thank all the bloggers who share their experiences and wisdom with us newbies as we work to find our niche in the world of handcrafters.)

In my new business, Annarella Clothes, I'm trying to make the decision of how big to I want to be. Do I want to wholesale? Or should I just be custom and small? How do I standardize a design and fabric combination without losing the freshness? Her post gives me some insights to mull over.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Beautiful things at 1000 markets

There's a new site for artisans called 1000 Markets. It is along the same lines as Etsy in promoting sites for skilled crafters and artisans. Today I'm featuring a sampling of some items and shops that caught my attention.
This interesting pot comes from Blue Sky Pottery. It starts on a wheel and then the tear drops are applied by hand. Wonderful.
Littleput does these wonderful photo pendants. Also look at the journals at their website.
Stypecreative uses reclaimed wood to create some unusual candle holders

A fused glass pendant comes from JS Glass Art. It is cleverly designed so that the circles can be worn together as shown or as seperate elements.

The site is still growing and signing up new artists daily. So swing by and see if you can find some beautiful things.