Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunshine and Lollipops

Monday, November 2, 2009

Welcome November. I will be at the First Baptist Christmas Spectacular Nov. 12-14. See you all there!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dresses for Judy

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Notes from the Workroom

These are 3 photos from my workroom. A little peek of some finished dresses and 2 different skirts in the early stages. You probably can't make out much in the pics, but I'm always available by email to chat about colors and fabrics and looks. Or see you November 2 at the grand opening of The Exchange at Annarella/
Friday, October 9, 2009
I hate, strongly dislike, abhor, abominate, loathe and detest automated phone systems. The last several days I've spent hours with Directv, Verizon and my health benefits center communicating with various recordings just trying to get to a live representative for answers to questions. I'm frustrated and exhausted. I apologize to the representative when I finally get to them for my poor attitude but really it's their fault for using all my patience just to reach a real person. Then the real person has a script they must run through before I can get to my situation and there goes my last nerve. (I know, I know they are saving money by not having to pay so many real people, but at what cost as they are alienating oodles of customers. Me thinks, they don't give a rat's...!)
I bemoan the loss of customer caring. Whenever possible I don't deal with these national corporations where their attitude is that they are doing me a favor allowing me to do business with them. Rather I try to choose local or smaller businesses that act like they want my business; that my business is important to them. Case in point, I bank with First Texas Bank who is right here in Georgetown. Recently husband lost the debit cards to two accounts. When I called to report the loss, I talked to a real person immediately. All subsequent conversations were with Karen. Yes, she had a name and I did too. Having her personal guidance and knowledge of the circumstances made an often frustrating situation run as smoothly as possible. Imagine - every time I had to report something new or ask a question, I didn't have to repeat every little detail from previous calls, she was familiar with my case . Imagine - she did everything in her power to make the process of getting new cards and disputing fraudelent charges as easy as possible. This was great customer service!! Caring and friendly while being pro active in solving problems.
So boos to DirecTV, Verizon and BP benefits center. Kudos to First Texas Bank!!!
What's driving you crazy? Or do you have any businesses you can reccomend for good customer care?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Exchange at Annarella

This is so exciting! An upscale consignment store for women's clothing, jewelry, personal accessories, home accessories and furniture. An opportunity to recycle and renew your closet and your home.
Along with the consignment component Pamela will continue to offer her design expertise in Annarella Home Studio. Currently she has several small continuing projects and is finishing up a project for the NARI tour. Go to website and click on image for tour. Her house is the one in downtown Georgetown.
So when you need design services Pamela will still be around and keeping everyone in style and comfort.
Lastly Annarella Girl will have a home at the Exchange. I'm excited to be part of this new concept and space which will be a totally unique mix of new and gently used items displayed and cared for in the Annarella way. I'm the first independent handmade business to be invited to have a presence ay the Exchange. Yhanks Pamela, Amgie and Carly.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Art Thoughts

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Daily Serving

Today they posted this painting by Tyson Skross. (You all know I love him and his work.) I had to take a peek at any site smart enough to feature his work. And I fell in love with the site. Not enough time to delve into the archives, but I enjoyed the artists that they have featured recently. I added this site to my favorites so I can visit it often. Definitely a good place to feed my spirit!!!
Art in Georgetown

Spread around town in several venues this year along with 2D works and photography, printmaking has been included. The show opens this Friday, October 2, with a reception at the library where award winners will be announced. Come out anytime all month to enjoy this show featuring some of the finest regional artists.
While downtown to enjoy the exhibits notice the banners around town. The banner project called all artists to design a banner for the month around the theme of Happy Trails. You can vote on your favorite. Go to the Visitors Center, the library or the Williamson County Museum for a list and map of the banners. Take your kids or grandkids around town so they can choose the ones they like.
Coming October 17-18 is the Art in the Square art fair. Over 100 artists gather to display and sell their works. This is a great time to meet and talk to some of the finest festival artists of our time.
Lets make this a success so the artists want to come back year after year.
So lots going on downtown Georgetown. Visit, bring friends, eat, shop . Have a fun month of the arts. Buy art. All the pieces in the juried show are available. Support artists and those groups who promote art. As a community we must be concerned not only with our physical needs such as food, shelter etc; but we must feed our spirit. We keep our spirit healthy and vital by surrounding ourselves with art.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Little Luxuries
First, a haircut. Doesn't life always feel better after a good haircut? Bo Peep has been cutting my hair for 9 years. (Yes, that is her real name. Her salon is "bo-tique.") She is great! She is an artist with scissors and a razor. I walk in feeling dragged down and dowdy; I walk out with a spring in my step feeling bright and energetic. She is that good! Despite a tightening economy the price of a good haircut is worth it for the feeling of well-being it gives me for weeks. Luxurious!!
From the salon to the library. Reading is my favorite hobby. A good book is a mini vacation. A while back I wrote about my mind vacation to the beach this summer. It was inspired by reading Anne Rivers Siddons. A lot of her books take place near water - the Atlantic ocean or rivers. Her tales are very readable, but what blows me away is her descriptions of life close to the water. I can smell the air, feel the breeze, wallow in the heat. To curl up with a good story that can transport me to another world is a true luxury.
But even more, a trip to Georgetown Public Library is a luxury. This new building is full of light, space and comfortable chairs. There is almost always an art exhibit going on, and it has a growing, credible permanent collection of art. There's a coffee and snack shop. It is truly a community treasure thanks to Eric Lashley, the libary director!!
Finally when I got home my kitchen was filled with the smell of vegetable soup thanks to my hubby. What greater luxury than to have dinner planned and prepared for me? I was spoiled yesterday, and I loved it!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Special Apron Dresses

I'm working on limited edition dresses for girls 5-8. Many of the aprons are from small pieces of fabric. I can only make two or three garments from these materials. But I love the designs on the fabrics, so I'm having a whole lot of fun.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Rainy Days

Happy beginning of Fall. Happy lower temperatures. Happy rain. And happy blue skies to follow.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday Whine or Business Woes

Has a longer apron and skirt. Specially designed for sizes 5 - 8. Although I love the shorter dress I've been working with (looks so cute with skinny pants or leggings), I wanted to give a longer version for the leggy pre-adolescent. This is shown in size 7. I think it is adorable! Soon to come to my etsy page.

Saturday, September 19, 2009
If you like orange...

And at my house here is first son and hubby in uniform ready to go to the longhorn game. Hook em horns!!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Three Reasons Why I Love Facebook
1. This week the husband, Doug, of a niece, Laura, suffered a brain stem stroke. Suddenly a young, 32 years old, husband and father was critically ill and undergoing emergency surgery. We have a famliy news email that notified immediate relatives. But through facebook friends and family could be kept in the loop easily. It was remarkable how many people cared and wanted to be informed as to the progress of Doug.
Facebook has proved to be a marvelous tool for communication in this event. It has let Laura know how many people are concerned for her and her family. It allows her to update everyone easily and not to constantly have to repeat herself. Seems to me this must help her reserve emotional energy to use where it is most needed with her husband and baby.
2. Facebook provides a window into everyday goings on. I cherish the posts from my daughter-in-law, Pamela. Short and breezy reflections on kids, husbands and life's minutia. she also reports on Hudson's wise and humerous take on life as seen by a four year old. His latest from this week - "you shouldn't wear your hard hat when you go to the bathroom because it can fall off into the toilet when you bend over to flush." You gotta love such observations.
I love that Facebook makes it so easy for Pamela to record and share such gems. Its not earthshaking news but my day goes better when I can smile.
3. Now that I'm working at home, I miss daily interaction with people. I miss the store's back room where our discussions were wide ranging - from who was voted off Dancing with the Stars to where the best food bargains were to how everyone's day was. Facebook gives me back a bit of this casual conversation. I don't feel so isolated in my workroom. I enjoy knowing what Susan is doing and how Nicky's day at school went. This is all good!! Thank you, Facebook.
So that's why I love Facebook. If you haven't tried it, it may be your next favorite thing.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Bits of This and That
Now if we could just get the celebrities to model themselves after this group.

Coming back to the workroom I.ve been inspired by shades of purple - orchid, lavendar, plum. Here you can see how I've combined different colors and patterns in variations of violet, lilac and magenta. Looks good with greens, black, blues and fuschias. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Quick Update

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Cutie Patootie

Thank you Evelyn for being such a good model for the photos.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Variations on a Theme

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Autumn Collection on Etsy

I just love some of these new fabrics. What little girl wouldn't love to have blue, purple and pink deer gamboling on her dress apron? Apron is not detachable; ribbon sash is sewn on the front and tied in back.
Back of jungle animal dress as shown above. Here you can see many of the different fabrics used. For seasonal wear layer over tee or blouse and leggings or skinny pants - white, black, green or red.
The apron is acid green background with birdcages. Love the mix of colors and punch of deep fuschia.
Turquoise, orange and green. Sounds bizaare on paper, but looks great. And imagine what wonderful colors you can pair with this in a ree and leggings!!
I have more to list on etsy. And don't forget the skirts. Visit my Annarella Girl site. The photos don't do the dresses justice. If you are in central Texas come see them in person Friday and Saturday at Annarella Design Studio, 800 S Austin Ave, Georgetown. I'm there from 11-5. Tomorrow is First Friday in downtown so I'll be there until 8 pm.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
In the Closet
Well, I talk in the shower and car. I compose witty blogs. I write chatty letters. I share pithy observations about daily life with friends and family. I'm Andy Rooney, Joy Behar and Anderson Cooper rolled into one. You can't wait to hear from me. The problem is ... the thoughts never get to see the light of day ... or if they do, the ideas are never as clever and free flowing as in private. For instance I've composed this blog countless times and it was wonderful. Now ... well you see the real words.
I know I'm not alone. Are you a closet talker? Have you talked to my blog but never commented? How congested is the closet with your silent conversation? Now might be the time to push the thoughts into words you share.
Meanwhile I'll be talking to you with soap and a washcloth.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Etsy Kids Treasury

Last day of SALE at my etsy shop. Later this week I'll begin listing my fall dresses and skirts.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Feast for Your Eyes
Dan Zinno has a new series titled Unearthed. Color-saturated surfaces are broken with decorative designs; the robust and the dainty side by side.

Go to Zinno's website, www.zinno.net to see the whole series and read what he has to say about his process.
Tracy Helgeson was brought to my attention by Dan Zinno. I love her blocky shapes and bright colors. It all looks so simple until you sink into the colors and realize how many variations there are.
In her words she says that she tries to simplify her landscapes without losing the personality. Go to her website, www.tracyhelgeson.com, to learn more about her and her work.
Tyson Skross has posted his new work from his Berlin exhibit. He is doing some small sculptures which are intriquing. The paintings implode with color and content as he explores the relationship of history with the modern life.
Go to his website, www.tysonskross.com, to experience his latest works.
Allyson Smith also refers to history for her works. As a figurative artist her history is personal yet universal. She allows, even encourages, the viewer to apply his/her own story to the paintings.
I love the optimistic energy that flows from her lines and colors. Check out her web site, www.allysonlsmith.com.
My spirit is revived through my enjoyment of the paintings from these 4 talented artists. My soul is fed. I hope you will get the same pleasure as you look at the websites. Give your eyes a feast.
Don't forget the SALE at my etsy store, www.annarellagirl.etsy.com. It runs until Monday, Aug.24.